Text ( visual ) : unmediated True patriotism : letters, lectures, and notes, 1939-45 : from the Collected works of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, volume III / edited and introduced by Edwin H. Robertson ; translated by Edwin H. Robertson and John Bowden. -- [1st U.S. ed.]. -- New York : Harper and Row , [1973]. -- 256 p. ; 21 cm. -- Includes bibliographical references. -- ISBN 0060608013 ; (BA18845031) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA18845031 Other Title(s): Selected works. -- Author Heading(s): Bonhoeffer, Dietrich ; Robertson, Edwin Hanton. -- Classification(s): LCC : BX4827.B57 ; DC : 230/.092/4 ; DC : B. -- Subject Heading(s): LCSH : Bonhoeffer, Dietrich, 1906-1945 ; LCSH : Theology -- 20th century ; LCSH : Lutheran Church