Quantum non-integrability
Bibliographic Information
Quantum non-integrability
edited by Da Hsuan Feng, Jian-Min Yuan
(Directions in chaos, v. 4)
World Scientific, c1992
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Includes bibliographical references
Description and Table of Contents
Recent developments in nonlinear dynamics has significantly altered our basic understanding of the foundations of classical physics. However, it is quantum mechanics, not classical mechanics, which describes the motion of the nucleons, atoms, and molecules in the microscopic world. What are then the quantum signatures of the ubiquitous chaotic behavior observed in classical physics? In answering this question one cannot avoid probing the deepest foundations connecting classical and quantum mechanics. This monograph reviews some of the most current thinkings and developments in this exciting field of physics.
Table of Contents
- Quantum chaotic scattering, R. Blumel
- microwave ionization of Rydberg atoms, P. Koch and L. Moorman
- geometry and quantum mechanics, L.N. Chang and Y.G. Liang
- where is the chaos in two-electron atoms?, R. Blumel and W.P. Reinhardt
- quantum classical correspondence and quantum chaos, W-M. Chang et al
- phase space structure and fractal dissociation boundary of a kicked molecular system, J.M Yuan et al
- from classical to quantum chaos, G. Zaslavsky
- quantum chaos in nuclear physics, F. Sakata and M. Marumori.
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