This book presents, defines and explains the main phenomena of atmospheric electricity found in the lower atmosphere, with emphasis on the troposphere and the stratosphere/mesosphere up to 60-70 km. Electric phenomena in the biosphere are also reviewed and assessed as components of our natural and technical environment. Books on the subject of atmospheric electricity including the theory of electrodynamics have been published years ago providing an academic knowledge in this special field. However, a consistent and systematic presentation and discussion of the most important phenomena and processes of atmospheric electricity is still lacking. The book should fill this gap, using the knowledge and experience of the author in this field. The long list of references (over 1,300) in this special field of atmospheric electricity reflects the authors' extensive search of the literature. The book is illustrated with 265 figures and 32 tables.
- 1. History and Fundamentals of Atmospheric Electricity. History. Fundamentals. Stations for research in atmospheric electricity. 2. Ions - Aerosols - Air Conductivity. Sources, sinks, and properties of atmospheric ions. Small-ion number densities and conductivities, values and applicability. 3. Fair and Pseudo-Fair-Weather - Global Atmospheric Electricity. The problem of how to define fair-weather periods. Examples for real and pseudo-fair-weather. Conclusion concerning an applicable definition of real fair weather for use in atmospheric electricity. Examples of fair-weather recordings of global validity. Some reflections on the global atmospheric-electric circuit. 4. Phenomena Caused by Orography, Altitude, and Environmental Conditions Without Precipitation. Effects of orographical structures on atmospheric-electric parameters. Altitudinal effects on the atmospheric-electric parameters. Haze, mist and fog. Vigorous air flow across major mountains
- the Foehn and similar winds. Charge separation processes. Atmospheric-electric effects during solar eclipse. 5. Atmospheric-Electrical Phenomena Preceding and During Precipitation - Charge Separation Processes. Dynamic processes preceding precipitation. Steady precipitation from non-turbulent cloud layers. The melting-zone effect. Shower precipitation from unstable air masses and convective clouds. Quantitative interrelations between field, precipitation current density, and point-discharge current during different kinds of precipitation. The "Mirror-Image Effect". Chemical trace constituents in precipitations and their importance in atmospheric electricity. Thunderstorms, lightning, and atmospherics. 6. Solar-Terrestrial Relationships. Introduction. Phenomena of solar activity and of geophysical reactions applicable in research into solar-terrestrial relations. Solar-terrestrial relationships in atmospheric electricity and weather, a survey of historic and recent results and suggestion. Related sun-weather reactions. 7. Biological Effects of Electric and Magnetic Magnitudes in Man's Environment. Introduction. Categories of the electric and magnetic environment. List of the parameters to be considered. Biological effects of environmental electric and magnetic magnitudes. References. Subject Index.
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