The doctrine of Karman in Jain philosophy
by Helmuth von Glasenapp ; translated from the original German by G. Barry Gifford ; and revised by the author ; edited by Hiralal R. Kapadia
(पार्श्वनाथ विद्याश्रम ग्रन्थमाला, 60)
P.V. Research Institute, 1991
Die Lehre vom Karman in der Philosophie der Jainas
"Second reprint edition"--T.p. verso
Reprint of: English translation ed., Bombay, 1942
Bibliography: p. [xxiii]-xxiv
Includes index
पार्श्वनाथ शोध संस्थान , सोहनलाल जैनधर्म प्रचारक समिति