In this book global heat circulation is studied in connection with changes in large scale water transfer and accumulation processes. Special attention is given to stochastic regularities of the analyzed processes. Some deterministic approaches are also considered, whereby dynamic-stochastic models are used.
This study in global heat and moisture circulation is based upon the following main aspects: - substantiation of the hypothesis of a two-scale separation of weather and climatic variables, which forms the basis of the stochastic theory of the climate system; - analysis of the probabilistic structure of changes in the characteristics of heat and moisture circulation in the intermediate and larger (more than 1 month) time scales; - study of regularities of anomalies in the characteristics of heat and moisture circulation in the atmosphere and hydrosphere for large regions through spatial statistic analysis and two-dimensional dynamic-stochastic models; - changes in the structure of temporal variations in stochastic models, under the conditions of modified spatial scales of the processes; - analysis of globally averaged characteristics, such as temperature of the atmosphere and oceans. The work does not claim to be an exhaustive study, but will be of considerable interest to researchers and students in the fields of atmospheric science, oceanography, global change and climate impact assessment.
Introduction. 1. Models of Large-Scale Processes in the Ocean-Atmosphere-Continents System. Deterministic and Stochastic Properties of the System. Analogies with Simple Nonlinear Models. General Circulation Models. Basic Principles of the Dynamic-Stochastic Models Theory of the Atmosphere and Hydrosphere. Stochastic Analysis of Series of Monthly and Annual Hydrometeorological Characteristics. Maximum Entropy Method. 2. Anomalies of Global Heat and Water Exchange Between the Atmosphere and Upper Oceanic Layer. Data on Characteristics of Heat and Moisture Circulation at the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface. Stochastic Models of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies. Changes in the Near-Surface Air Temperature, Contact Turbulent Heat Exchange with the Ocean, and Evaporation. Dynamic-Stochastic Model of the Interaction Between the Atmosphere and Upper Oceanic Layer. 3. Variations of the Atmospheric Water Exchange. Changes in the Moisture Content and Moisture Transport in the Atmosphere. Structure of Series of Monthly and Yearly Precipitation Values. On Statistic Regularities of Isotope Concentration Variations in Atmospheric Moisture. 4. Changes in the Atmosphere-Land Surface Moisture Fluxes. River Runoff. Anomalies of Land Surface Water Balance Components in Different Natural Zones. A Simple Dynamic-Stochastic Model of the River Runoff in the Intermediate Time Scale. On a Globally-Averaged Stochastic Model of Annual Runoff. Variability of the Runoff, Summarized Within Large Regions. Trends in the Runoff. 5. Variations of the Water Balance Components of the Continents and the World Water Balance. Changes in the Components of Water Balance of Continents Free from Ice. Connection with Thermal Regime. Variability of Global Water Balance Components. 6. Eustatic Fluctuations of the Global Mean Sea Level, Changes in the Mass of Ice Sheets and Global Temperature. Recent Changes in the Global Mean Sea Level. Stochastic Models of Changes in the Global Mean Sea Level. Global Temperature Fluctuations. 7. Moisture Redistribution and Thermal Regime Variations in Paleo- and Historic Times. Stochastic Models. Paleoreconstructions of the Global Mean Sea Level and Its Stochastic Model. Reconstruction of Thermal Regime and Moisture Circulation Processes. Conclusion. References. Index.
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