This work defines weak states and their strengths and weaknesses. It examines why they are weak and their position in different international systems as well as their economic positions.
Definitions and characteristics of the weak states - the great powers, the middle powers, the weak states, the mini states, summary - the ideal type of the weak state
internal sources of weakness and strength of the weak states - the geographical position of the weak states, the military position of weak states
the utility of military strength for the weak states, summary, a note on passive resistance (nonviolent action) by weak states
external sources of weakness and strength of the weak states - formal alliances between weak states and great powers, patrons and clients - a perspective on weak state-great power relations, weak states and the benefits of collective (public)good, alliances of weak states
the position of weak states in different international systems - the weak states and the great powers' spheres of influence, weak states in a balance-of-power or multipolar system, weak states in bipolar systems, manoeuvrability in a nuclear world, problems of nuclear weapons acquisition by the weak states
the economic position of the weak states in the international system - sources of economic weakness, modifications, qualifications an caveats, the application of economic pressure against weak states. Appendices: a note on the domestic sources of the foreign policy of weak states
the new international norms of conduct among states and the position of weak states
the potential impact of modern military weapons technology on the military position of weak states.