A collection of 26 papers in the areas of computer vision and image processing. They cover such topics as Expert systems for recovering 3D shape and orientation, image gathering and processing for high resolution edge detection and invariant architectures for low level vision.
On the use of morphological operators in a class of edge detectors, L. Hertz and R.W. Schafer
a valley-seeking threshold selection technique, S.C. Sahasrabudhe and K.S. Das Gupta
local characteristics of binary images and their application to the automatic control of low-level robot vision, P.W. Pachowicz
corner detection and localization in a pyramid, S. Baugher and A. Rosenfeld
parallel-hierarchical image partitioning and region extraction, G.N. Khan and D.F. Gillies
invariant architectures for low-level vision, L. Jacobson and H. Wechsler
representation - primitives chain code, L. O'Gorman
generalized cones - useful geometric properties, K. Rao and G. Medioni
vision-based rendering - image synthesis for vision feature algorithms, J.D. Yates, et al
recognition - investigation of a number of character recognition algorithms, A.A. Verikas, et al
log-polar mapping applied to pattern representation and recognition, J.C. Wilson and R.M. Hodgson
pattern recognition of binary image objects using morphological shape decomposition, I. Pitas and N.D. Sidiropoulos
a pattern classification approach to multi-level thresholding for image segmentation, J.G. Postaire and M. Ameziane
KOR - a knowledge-based object recognition system, C.M. Lee, et al
shape decomposition based on perceptual structure, H.S. Kim and K.H. Park
three dimensional - the Frobenius metric in image registration, K. Zikan and T.M. Silberberg
binocular fusion revisited utilizing a log-polar tessellation, N.C. Griswold, et al
an expert system for recovering 3D shape and orientation from a single view, W.J. Shomar, et al
integrating intensity and range sensing to construct 3D polyhedra representation, W.N. Lie, et al
notes - texture segmentation using topographic labels, T.C. Pong, et al
an improved algorithm for labelling connected components in a binary image, X.D. Yang
a note on the paper "The Visual Potential - One Convex Polygon", A. Laurentini
a string descriptor for matching partial shapes, H.C. Liu and M.D. Srinath
formulation and error analysis for a generalized image point correspondence algorithm, S. Fotedar, et al
a new surface tracking system in 3D binary images, L.W. Chang and M.J. Tsai.