This book features updated coverage of conduction tissues, microscopy and imaging techniques, improved ischaemic section and congenital aspects. It contains new coverage of transplantation, biopsy pathology and thrombolysis in coronary artery disease. This book should be suitable for cardiologists, cardiac surgeons and pathologists.
Part 1 Anatomy: anatomy. Part 2 Structure in relation to function: structure in relation to function
adaption and its complications. Part 3 The pulmonary vasculature: interaction between heart and lungs. Part 4 Congenital malformations: the congenitally malformed heart
the atrial chambers and ventricles
anomalies of the ventricles and ventriculo - arterial connexions
anomalies of the great arteries and the subsystems. Part 5 Acquired conditions primarily affecting contractility: ischaemia
infiltrations and storage diseases
cardiomyopathies. Part 6 The affect of pressure/volume load: acquired conditions primarily affecting pressure/volume load. Part 7 Miscellaneous conditions: percardial heart disease