- 巻冊次
: hbk. ISBN 9780844815985
International scholars of conventional defence have contributed to this volume. Topics discussed include: the changing political and strategic dimension of East-West relations from both an American and Soviet perspective; different assessment of the military balance in central Europe from American and West German vantage points; the domestic constraints for the defence of central Europe in the U.S. and in the Federal Republic of Germany; the role of new conventional technologies for defence policy and arms control in the 1990s; and the strategic changes in technology and arms control and their implications for the defence of central Europe.
- Part 1 The changing East-West political and strategic dimension and U.S.-Soviet relations in the 1990s: the changing face of U.S.-Soviet relations - an American perspective, D.S. Papp
- the changing face of Soviet-American relations - a Soviet perspective, S.M. Rogov. Part 2 Assessing the military balance in central Europe: the Soviet/Warsaw pact nonnuclear threat and the balance of conventional forces in Europe, R. Kennedy
- a note on the intricacies of military force assessment, L. Unterseher. Part 3 Domestic constraints for the defence of central Europe: manpower problems and prospects confronting U.S. armed forces through the year 2000, J.M. Weinstein
- the fiscal crisis of the Bundeswehr, H. Bebermeyer.
- 巻冊次
: pbk. ISBN 9780844815992
International scholars of conventional defense have contributed to this volume, discussing such topics as the changing dimension of East-West relations, and containing assessments of the military balance in Central Europe from US and West German vantage points.
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