Aristotle's philosophy of mind has recently attracted renewed attention and respect from philosophers. This volume brings together essays on "De Anima" by an international group of contributors. The essays form a running commentary on the work, covering such topics as the relation between body and soul, sense-perception, imagination, memory, desire and thought. The authors present the philosophical substance of Aristotle's views to the modern reader. They locate their interpretations firmly within the context of Aristotle's thought as a whole.
- The text of Aristotle's "De Anima", Martha C. Nussbaum
- "De Anima" and its recent interpreters, Amelie Oksenberg Rorty
- is an Aristotelian philosophy of mind still credible? - a draft, M.F. Burnyeat
- changing Aristotle's mind, Martha C. Nussbaum and Hilary Putnam
- hylomorphism and functionalism, S.Marc Cohen
- living bodies, Jennifer Whiting
- on Aristotle's conception of the soul, Michael Frede
- "Psuche" versus the mind, K.V. Wilkes
- explaining the various forms of living, Alan Code and Julius Moravcsik
- aspects of the relationship between Aristotle's psychology and his zoology, G.E.R. Lloyd
- dialectic, motion, and perception - "De Anima", Book 1, Charlotte Witt
- "De Anima" 2 and the meaning of life, Gareth B. Matthews
- intentionality and physiological processes - Aristotle's theory of sense-perception, Richard Sorabji
- Aristotle on the sense of touch, Cynthia Freeland
- Aristotle on the imagination, Malcolm Schofield
- the cognitive role of "Phantasia" in Aristotle, Dorothea Frede
- Aristotle on memory and the self, Julia Annas
- "Nous Poietikos" - survey of earlier interpretations, Franz Brentano
- what does the maker mind make?, L.A. Kosman
- Aristotle on thinking, Charles H. Kahn
- desire and the good in "De Anima", Henry S. Richardson.
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