Kushano-Sasanian coins . Lha-Luṅ Temple, Spyi-Ti . Pallava architecture, part III : the later or Rājasimha period
by Ernst Herzfeld . by H. Lee Shuttleworth ; with a preface by A.H. Francke . by A.H. Longhurst
(Memoirs of the archæological survey of India, binding no. 16 (memoir no. 38,
Swati Publications, 1991
Pallava architecture. Part III (the later or Rājasimha Period)
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文美学 225||M41035987
Reprint of 3 works. Originally published: Calcutta : Government of India Central Publication Branch, 1930 (memoir no. 38, 40), 1929 (memoir no. 39). (Memoirs of the archæological survey of India ; 38-40) Some copies are in different sizes: 29 cm Includes bibliographical references and indexes
Swati Publications
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