Educational systems of the chief crown colonies and possessions of the British Empire, including reports on the training of native races
Board of Education
(Special Reports on educational subjects, v. 12,
Rinsen Book, 1974
Pt. 1370//G00012559613,
大阪樟蔭女子大学 図書館 関屋 Pt. 1372.33||G81||12185882D,
関西大学 図書館 図 Pt. 1A40422,
関西学院大学 図書館 上ケ原 Pt. 1370.8:84:120094929627, Pt. 1教育/24A/752010232000189626, Pt. 1370.15||G 81||12Y7900366,
Pt. 1372.3||E||1-1285146674, Pt. 1N372.3/Sp3/12/0002067234,
近畿大学 中央図書館 中図 Pt. 1370.5-G81-1210102825,
Pt. 1372-11//12040900005038, 静岡大学 附属図書館 静図 Pt. 1372.3/G81/121001730850, Pt. 1370.4//E2//12S1100096605*,
Pt. 1370.8/G8100360985,
Pt. 1372.3:Sp3:(12)0105815575, Pt. 1370.5||S||12WA;9681053651,
Pt. 1370.5;S;12KE;750923035, 名古屋大学 教育発達科学 図書室 教育洋書 Pt. 1370.4||Spe||1240540348,
Pt. 1F370.9||75285F2349,
Pt. 1373||G786||12(Y-1188)A0000043862X, Pt. 1373:S2400047017,
Pt. 1370/Gr-12A-032996, "Presented to both houses of parliament by command of her Majesty" Pt.: 1. West Indies and Central America, St. Helena, Cyprus and Gibraltar -- 2. West Africa, Basutoland, Southern Rhodesia, East Africa Protectorate, Uganda, Mauritius, Seychelles -- 3. Federated Malay States, Hong Kong, Straits Settlements, Fiji, FalklandIslands Reprint. Originally publishes: for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Wand yman and Sons, London, 1905
Rinsen Book
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