The production of manufactured goods has been a fundamental activity throughout human history and remains essential to the modern world. The challenge of increased productivity has been rooted in the establishment of stable economic growth, especially durign the 1980s, when emphasis was placed on raising industrial output. Increasingly, people believe that the most effective way to increase productivity is by a transformation of science and technology into productive power, whereby scientific research impacts on production. These two volumes contain 495 conference papers by 1135 authors which reflect the newest results in various fields of production. They are aimed at industiral engineers, manufacturing and design engineers and managers, CAD systems developers, organziational / industrial scinetists, researchers in human ractors, OR, and CIM systems.
- New manufacturing technology
- application of production research
- production planning and control
- computer aided design / computer aided manufacturing
- computer integrated manufacturing systems
- production management
- robots and sensors
- assembly automation
- flexible manufacturing systems
- human factors and ergonomics
- new concepts in work organization
- system analysis in industrial engineering
- quality control and measurement
- safety techniques in industrial production and fault monitoring
- artificial intelligence, expert systems
- machining and machine tools.
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