The National union catalog : a cumulative author list representing Library of Congress printed cards and titles reported by other American libraries, 1963-1967 : motion pictures and filmstrips
compiled by the Library of Congress with the cooperation of the Resources Committee of the Resources and Technical Services Division, American Library Association
J.W. Edwards, 1969
Motion pictures and filmstrips
The Library of Congress catalogs
関西大学 図書館 図
v. 1. TitlesA46364,
v. 1. Titles029.15/U 75/1e-71003232000064786, 近畿大学 中央図書館 中図 v. 1. Titles029.153-U75-111016092,
v. 1. Titles025.53:N-57:71781023950,
名古屋大学 附属図書館 中央参1F v. 1. Titles029.6||Sc40427070,