Providing fresh comparative and theoretical insights, this book examines India's development since independence and the politicization of its constituent communities -- minorities, women, and disadvantaged groups. The remarkable economic and technological progress that India has achieved is juxtaposed with the failure of successive regimes to eradicate poverty and illiteracy or to ensure the equitable distribution of resources.
Preface - Dilip K Basu
Introduction - Richard Sisson and Dilip K Basu
Dimensions of Development
How is India Doing? - Amartya Sen
Regime Types and Economic Performance - Lloyd I Rudolph and Susanne Hoeber Rudolph
Journey to the East - Barnett R Rubin
Industrialization in India and the Chinese Experience
Stratification of Women's Work in Rural India - Kalpana Bardhan
Determinants, Effects and Strategies
Caste in India Since Independence - Pauline Kolenda
Pursuing Equality - Marc Galanter
An Assessment of India's Policy of Compensatory Discrimination for Disadvantaged Groups
The Consciousness of Freedom Among India's Untouchables - James M Freeman
Problems of Integration in the Indian Political Community - Gopal Krishna
Muslims and the Political Process
From Satyartha Prakash to Manushi - Suresht Renjen Bald
An Overview of the 'Women's Movement' in India
The 'Draupadi' of Mahasveta Devi - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
A Translation and Interpretation
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