This text describes the ways that European powers used science and scientific inquiry to enforce their supposed cultural superiority on societies of Africa, Asia and Latin America. The book shows the uses of scientific theory as well as the role of applied science technology in colonial and post-colonial societies dominated by British, French, Portuguese, Spanish and American culture over the past three centuries. This collection pays particular attention to the way science, medicine and public health policies affect racial, sexual, national and international relations between and within societies.
- Scientific standards and colonial education in British India and French Senegal, Michael Adas
- science, medicine and French colonialism in old-regime Haiti, James E.McClellan III
- technology and Imperialism in the Indian context - the case of steamboats 1819-1839, Satpal Sangwan
- medical imperialism gone awry - the campaign against legalized prostitution in Latin America, Donna J.Guy
- cultural imperialism in old republic Rio de Janeiro - the urban renewal and public health project, Teresa Meade
- herbs, knives and plastic - 150 years of abortion in South Africa, Saul Dubow
- legends surrounding the German atomic bomb, Mark Walker.
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