That "cheap gasoline is here to stay" has been a belief shared by many in the United States, Europe, and Japan. But it is not the conclusion drawn by the authors of this study. On the contrary, they are unanimous in their judgment that by the year 2000 the West is likely to be far more dependent than it is now on imported oil from the Gulf, a region in which the eruption of conflict - as evidenced by Iraq's recent agression against Kuwait - is likely to send energy prices spiraling. This and other sobering conclusions, unfortunately timely, are the result of an assessment sponsored by the Middle East Institute in Washington, DC, of all aspects of Gulf security. The authors consider the impact of the new superpower relationship, the problem of the regional arms race and the introduction of an entire new generation of chemical weapons, the political and economic situation in each of the Gulf countries, and the role of the European countries and Japan in Gulf energy relations.
In the last chapter, focusing on the seriousness of potential future energy insecurity, they offer specific recommendations with regard to a continuing US naval presence in the Gulf, a two-track arms control policy for the region, and an essential, ongoing, and practically oriented dialogue involving the Gulf powers and all other concerned states. The book includes maps, a chronology covering 1979-1990, and "fact sheets" for Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.
- Energy and economics, Edward Krapels
- the Gulf arms race, Michael Dunn
- what next for Iran?, John Limbert
- Iraq, Phebe Marr
- Saudi Arabia - plus ca change, David Long
- the smaller Gulf Co-operation Council States, Joseph Twinam
- a New Soviet role in the Gulf, Shahran Chubin
- the EC and the Gulf, Philip Robins
- Japan and the Gulf, Yasumasa Kuroda
- Gulf security in perspective, C.Doran.
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