A second and third blast of retrait from plaies and theaters
by Anthony Munday ; with a preface for the Garland edition by Arthur Freeman
(The English stage : attack and defense, 1577-1730 : a collection of 90 important works reprinted in photo-facsimile in 50 volumes / edited by Arthur Freeman)
Garland Pub., 1973
De gubernatione Dei
938||33||0202110131734 Facsimile reprint Original t.p. reads: A second and third blast of retrait from plaies and theaters: the one whereof was sounded by a reuerend Byshop dead long since; the other by a worshipful and zealous gentleman now alive; one showing the filthines of plaies in times past; the other the abhomination of theaters in the time present ... Set forth by Anglo-phile Eutheo ... Allowed by authority, 1580 "The second blast" is a translation of Book 6 of De gubernatione Dei by Salvianus "The first blast" is S. Gosson's The school of abuse edited by Arthur Freeman
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