The World in color library
National Geographic Society
World in color library
Prepared by National Geographic Book Service
[Ross Bennett, editor ; editorial consultant, Daniel J. Boorstin ; chapters by Dr. Boorstin ... et al.]
National Geographic Society 1986 Rev. ed The World in color library
Ross Bennett, editor ; editorial consultant, Daniel J. Boorstin ; chapters by Dr. Boorstin ... [et al.]
National Geographic Society c1977 1st ed The World in color library
Ross Bennett, editor ; prepared by National Geographic Book Service
National Geographic Society 1975 The World in color library
[Introd. by Sigurd F. Olson ; Essays by Edward Abbey ... et al. ; drawings by Dill Cole and George Founds]
National Geographic Society c1973 The World in color library
National Geographic Book Service
National Geographic Society c1970 The World in color library
prepared by the National Geographic Book Service ; foreword by Melville Bell Grosvenor ; introduction by Conrad L. Wirth ; keynote chapter by Carl Sandburg ; sections introduced by John Bakeless ... [et al.]
National Geographic Society c1967 New ed The World in color library
National Geographic Society c1966 The World in color library
prepared by the National Geographic Book Service ; foreword by Melville Bell Grosvenor ; introduction by Conrad L. Wirth ; keynote chapter by Carl Sandburg ; sections introduced by John Bakeless ... [et al.]
National Geographic Society c1962 The World in color library
prepared by the Natina Geographic Book Service ; foreword by Melville Bell Grosvenor ; introduction by Conrad L. Wirth
National Geographic Society c1959 The World in color library