Chemical modification of proteins . Separation methods for nucleic acids and oligonucleotides
A.N. Glazer, R.J. Delange and D.S. Sigman . Hannah Gould and H.R. Matthews
(Laboratory techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology, v. 4,
North-Holland , American Elsevier (Sole distributors for the USA and Canada), 1976
[Library ed.]
Chemical modification of proteins : selected methods and analytical procedures
: North-Holland574.19||W3-1||410436995
: North-Holland574.028||Wo||4Y8766177
: North-Holland90001996255
関西大学 図書館 図 A111490
: North-Holland491.4||L11||4118800314
: North-HollandQU25/W88/1(4)121002371407 Library volumes [hardcover] (followed by pocket paperbacks [issued in parts])-- ed. pref. 1st and 2nd work (p.[1]-205 & [207]-491) have bibiographies (p. 189-199, 475-485) and indexes 1st work's subtitle from p.[1] PTBL's Series editor: T.S. & E. Works
North-Holland Pub. Co , American Elsevier
: series (North-Holland)
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