- 巻冊次
: gw ISBN 9783540700845
Presents the proceedings of the ICM-90 Satellite conference and covers such topics as estimates for the Kakeya maximal operator on radial functions in Rn, spectral invariants of conformal metrics and extension theorems for real variable Hardy and Hardy-Sobolev spaces.
- 巻冊次
: jp ISBN 9784431700845
Contents: G. Alexopoulos: Parabolic Harnack inequalities and Riesz transforms on Lie groups of polynomial growth.- H. Arai: Harmonic analysis with respect to degenerate Laplacian on strictly pseudoconvex domains.- J.M. Ash, R. Brown: Uniqueness and nonuniqueness for harmonic functions with zero nontangential limits.- A. Carbery, E. Hernandez, F.Soria: Estimates for the Kakeya maximal operator on radial functions in Rn.- S.-Y.A. Chang, P.C. Yang: Spectral invariants of conformal metrics.- M. Christ: Remarks on the breakdown of analycity for b and Szego kernels.- R. Coifman, S. Semmes: L2 estimates in nonlinear Fourier analysis.- Dinh Dung: On optimal recovery of multivariate periodic functions.- S.A.A. Emara: A class of weighted inequalities.- G.I. Gaudry: Some singular integrals on the affine group.- J.-P. Kahane: From Riesz products to random sets.- T. Kawazoe: A model of reduction in harmonic analysis on real rank 1 semisimple Lie groups I.- P.G. Lemarie: Wavelets, spline interpolation and Lie groups.- P. Mattila: Principle values of Cauchy integrals, rectifiable measures and sets.- A. Miyachi: Extension theorems for real variable Hardy and Hardy-Sobolev spaces.- T.
Mizuhara: Boundedness of some classical operators on generalized Morrey spaces.- G. Sinnamon: Interpolation of spaces defined by the level function.- T.N. Varopoulos: Groups of superpolynomial growth.- J.M. Wilson: Littlewood-Paley theory in one and two parameters.- J.M. Wilson: Two-weight norm inequalities for the Fourier transform.- Program.- List of participants.
Paraboloc Harnack inequalities and Riesz transforms on Lie groups of polynomial growth.- Harmonic analysis with respect to degenerate Laplacian on strictly pseudoconvex domains.- Uniqueness and nonuniqueness for harmonic functions with zero nontangential limits.- Estimates for the Kakeya maximal operator on radial functions in Rn.- Spectral invariants of conformal metrics.- Remarks on the breakdown of analycity for ?band Szegoe kernels.- L2estimates in nonlinear Fourier analysis.- On optimal recovery of multivariate periodic functions.- A class of weighted inequalities.- Some singular integrals on the affine group.- From Riesz products to random sets.- A model of reduction in harmonic analysis on real rank 1 semisimple Lie groups I.- Wavelets, spline interpolation and Lie groups.- Principle values of Cauchy integrals, rectifiable measures and sets.- Extension theorems for real variable Hardy and Hardy-Sobolev spaces.- Boundedness of some classical operators on generalized Morrey spaces.- Interpolation of spaces defined by the level function.- Groups of superpolynomial grouth.- Littlewood-Paley theory in one and two parameters.- Two-weight norm inequalities for the Fourier transform.- Program.- List of participants.
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