The International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) initiated and supported an International Symposium on Dynamical Problems for Rigid-elastic Systems and Structures held in 1990 in Moscow, USSR. The Symposium was intended to bring together scientists working in the fields of multibody system dynamics and finite element systems with special emphasis to modeling, simulation, optimization and control. A Scientific Committee was appointed by the Bureau of IUTAM with following members: N.V. Banichuk (USSR). E.J. Haug (USA). Y. Hori (Japan). S. Kaliszky (Hungary), D.M. Klimov (USSR). Chairman, L. Lilov (Bulgaria), F. Niordson (Denmark), B. Roth (USA), W. Schiehlen (Germany), G. Schmidt (Germany), J. Wittenburg (Germany). The chairman invited the participants on recommendation by the Scientific Committee. As a result 48 active scientific participants from 11 countries followed the invitation, and 32 papers were presented in lecture sessions. The available manuscripts were reviewed by the Scientific Committee after the Symposium, and 24 of them are collected in this volume.
At the Symposium a tour to the Institute for Problems of Mechanics, USSR Academy of Sciences, was arranged. The scientific lectures were devoted to the following topics: o Modeling and Optimization, o Dynamics of Systems with Elastic Constraints, o Vibrations, o Multibody Systems.
Oscillations of a Rigid Body with a Cavity Containing a Heterogeneous Fluid.- Sensitivity Analysis for Structural Modeling and Design.- Dynamics of Space Systems Including Elastic Tethers.- Variational Approaches for Dynamics: Numerical Studies.- On Static Stability of Elastic Nonconservative Systems with Small Damping.- Control of Elastic Robots.- Asymptotic Analysis for Dynamics of Rigid Body Containing Elastic Elements and Viscous Fluid.- Stability of Vibratory Modes in Moving Media.- A Numerical Integration Algorithm Based on the Introduction of a Constraint Violation Factor.- Stationary Motions of Mechanical Systems with an Infinite Number of Degrees of Freedom.- A Hierarchical Optimization Procedure for the Modelling of Mechanical Systems.- Mechanics of Multi-body Systems.- Problems of Nonlinear Dynamics for Large Space Structures.- The Dynamics of Broadband Active Vibration Control Systems with Controllable Damping for Machines and Mechanical Structures.- Response Localization in Disordered Periodic Structures.- Analytical Multi-body Dynamics.- A New Approach to the Problem of Modeling for One-dimensional Elastic Systems.- Seismically Excited Liquid Waves in Storage Tanks.- Dynamical Simulation of Flexible Multi-body Systems: Applications to Satellites Motions.- The Geometrical Contact between a Pair of Rollers and a Wheelset in a Railway Vehicle Roller Rig.- Elastic Multibody Theory Applied to Elastic Manipulators.- Inverse Problems and Global Optimization of the Oscillatory Systems.- Simulation and Animation of Multibody Systems.- Contributions to Kinematics, Statics and Dynamics of Multibody Systems Solvable in Linear Computational Complexity.
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