The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts
Government Sanskrit Library , To be had of the Superintendent of the Government Press , Vidya Vilas Press , Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, Government Press
The Princess of Wales Sarasvatī Bhavana texts
Vidya Vilas Press 1924 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 7
pt. 2
edited with introduction etc. by Gopi Nath Kaviraj
[Vidya Vilas Press (printing)] 1924-1927 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 10
pt. 1 , pt. 2
Gauḍapādācāryaracitāni ; Śaṅkarāraṇyakr̥ta Dīpikākhya ṭīkāsahitāni = The Śrividya ratna sutras of Sri Gaudapada Charya ; with the commentary "Dipika" of Sri Śaṅkarāraṇya ; edited with introduction etc. by Narayana Sastri Khiste
Goverment Sanskrit Library 1924 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts vol. 2
edited with introduction etc., by Jagannātha Śāstrī Hoshing, Anantarāma Śāstrī Vetāl
Vidya Vilas Press [printing press] 1924 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 8
edited with introduction by Gangānātha Jhā
Government Sanskrit Library -1923 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 6
pt. 2
edited with introd. &c., by Gopīnātha Kavīrāja
In-house reproduction [manufacture] The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 5
Varadarājaviracitā = edited with introduction, etc. by Gopinath Kaviraj
Government Press 1922 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 4
edited with introduction etc., by Nārāyaṇa Śāstrī Khiste Sāhityāchārya
Government Sanskrit Library 1920 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 2
edited with introduction etc., by Gopi Nath Kaviraj
Government Sanskrit Library 1920 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 1
edited with introduction etc. by Gopi Nath Kaviraj
Government Sanskrit Library 1920 The Princess of Wales Saraswatī Bhavana texts no. 1