The rapid growth of literature on convective heat and mass transfer through porous media has brought both engineering and fundamental knowledge to a new state of completeness and depth. Additionally, several new questions of fundamental merit have arisen in several areas which bear direct relation to further advancement of basic knowledge and applications in this field. For example, the growth of fundamental heat transfer data and correlations for engineering use for saturated media has now reached the point where the relations for heat transfer coefficients and flow parameters are known well enough for design purposes. Multiple flow field regimes in natural convection have been identified in several important enclosure geometries. New questions have arisen on the nature of equations being used in theoretical studies, i. e. , the Validity of Darcy assumption is being brought into question; Wall effects in high and low velocity flow fields have been found to play a role in predicting transport coefficients; The formulation of transport problems in fractured media are being investigated as both an extension of those in a homogeneous medium and for application in engineering systems in geologic media and problems on saturated media are being addressed to determine their proper formulation and solution. The long standing problem of how to adequately formulate and solve problems of multi-phase heat and mass transfer in heterogeneous media is important in the technologies of chemical reactor engineering and enhanced oil recovery.
Transport Processes in a Rapidly Changing World.- Modelling of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media.- Fundamentals of Mechanics of Saturated Porous Media: Basic Equations and Waves.- The Stability of Convective Flows in Porous Media.- Free Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in a Porous Medium.- Natural Convection in a Vertical Porous Annulus.- Non-Darcy Natural Convection in Saturated Porous Media.- Mixed Convection in Saturated Porous Media.- Forced Convective Flow and Heat Transfer Through a Porous Medium Exposed to a Flat Plate or a Channel.- Forced Convection Heat Transfer in a Porous Medium.- Radiation Transport in Porous or Fibrous Media.- Fundamentals of Drying of Capillary-Porous Bodies.- Heat Transfer During Unsaturated Flow in Porous Media.- Buoyancy-Induced Flow and Heat Transfer in Saturated Fissured Media.- Effect of Randomness on Heat and Mass Transfer in Porous Media.- Analytical Solutions to Transient Convective Mass Transfer Within Porous Media.- Natural Convection in Porous Media with Variable Porosity and Thermal Dispersion Effects.- Convective Flow Interaction and Heat Transfer Between Fluid and Porous Layers.- Temperature Distribution in a Porous Slab with Random Thermophysical Characteristic.- Forced Convection in Packed Tubes and Channels with Variable Porosity and Thermal Dispersion Effects.- Transient Double Diffusive Convection in a Horizontal Fluid Layer Situated on top of a Porous Substrate.- Drying of Wood Residues in a Fixed Bed.- Heat and Mass Transfer in Adsorbent Beds.- Solidification of a Binary Mixture Saturating a Bed of Glass Spheres.- Melting in the Presence of Natural Convection in a Saturated Porous Medium.- Air-Water Two-Phase Flow Pressure Drop in Large Scale Porous Media.- Boiling and Dryout in Unconsolidated Porous Media.- Heat Transfer from a Surface Covered with Hair.- Measurements of Thermal Conductivity in Porous Media.- Determination of Velocity Vectors in Porous Media with Fluorescent Particle Image Velocimetry (FPIV).- Non Invasive Measurement Techniques in Porous Media.- Flash Method of Measuring Thermal Diffusivity and Conductivity.- Mechanics, Heat and Mass Transfer in Saturated Porous Media. Application to Petroleum Technology.- Drying Complex Porous Materials-Modelling and Experiments.- Some Geophysical Problems Involving Convection in Porous Media.- Porous Surface Boiling and Its Application to Cooling Microelectronic Chips.- Heat and Mass Transfer in Spouted Beds.- Liquid Seeping into Porous Ground.- Future Research Needs in Convective Heat and Mass Transport in Porous Media.
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