The politics and ideology of the Colombian peasant movement : the case of ANUC (National Association of Peasant Smallholders)
Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui ; preface by Daniel Pécaut ; post-script by Ernesto Parra Escobar
(Report / United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, no. 86.7)(Participation series)
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development , CINEP, 1987
Política e ideología en el movimiento campesino colombiano
LSCK||323.32||P112532750 Translation of: Política e ideología en el movimiento campesino colombiano "U.N. translation from Spanish edited by Susan Frenk"--T.p. verso Bibliography: p. 215-222
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
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