Advances in parapsychological research
edited by Stanley Krippner ; managing editor, Rhea A. White ; associate editors, Montague Ullman and Robert O. Becker
Plenum Press, c1982-
愛媛大学 図書館 図
v. 3147/AD/319101060
v. 330116260
v. 4161H11569 Managing editor for vol. 3-<6 >: Mary Lou Carlson Vol. 4-<6 > have imprint: Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland Includes bibliographies and indexes 子書誌有り。 edited by Stanley Krippner ; managing editor, Mary Lou Carlson ; associate editors, Montague Ullman and Robert O. Becker
Plenum Press
Advances in parapsychological research / edited by Stanley Krippner ; managing editor, 所蔵館6館
Plenum Press
Advances in parapsychological research / edited by Stanley Krippner ; managing editor, 所蔵館6館注記
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