The early years of schooling are crucial in the development of skills, concepts and attitudes. Gender differences in the curriculum areas of science and technology are strikingly evident in nursery and infant classes but teachers and parents have often felt unsure about the possible causes of these inequalities and uncertain about what steps can be taken to minimize them.
This book describes girls' experiences of science and technology in the early years of schooling and provides accounts of equal opportunities work done by teachers in schools. It aims to highlight the gender inequalities that exist in early years education in the fields of science and technology and to clarify how equal opportunities initiatives and anti-racist and anti-sexist initiatives can change the nature of science and technology education in the early years of schooling.
The book aims to provide suggestions for practical strategies to enable teachers and parents to work upwards improving the educational experiences of very young girls.
Part 1 The present situation
science and technology in the early years of schooling, Naima Browne
the ideological context of science education in the early years - an historical perspective, Naima Browne
achieveing equality in the science education of early years teachers in initial teacher education, Iram Siraj-Blatchford
"girls' stuff, boys' stuff" - young children talking and playing, Naima Browne and Carol Ross
fair play - children's mathematical experiences in the infant classroom, Rose Parkin
Part 2 School accounts and action
the role of the nursery school in developing a non-sexist approach to science and technology, Eve Lyon
design it, build it, use it - girls and construction kits, Kim Beat
challenging sexism - cycling yesterday and today - an account of cross-curricular project, Julie Cahill and Uma Pandya
planning assessment in the early years, Jane Savage
inquiring girls - an examination of published science education materials, Patience MacGregor and Claudette Williams
science INSET and equal opportunities in the early years, Barbara Wyvill
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