The main theme of this book is Images - Synthesis, Analysis and Interaction. It is now clear that there is an overlap between image synthesis and image analysis, in both techniques and applications. For example, as computer graphics are used more and more in the visualization of scientific and engineering computations, so it looks likely that image processing techniques will be used to help develop interpretations of the experimental results. The forty-four papers collected in this book present recent research into many aspects of computer graphics, not only from contributors in Europe, but also from many other parts of the world.
Hardware (Y. Birk, J.F. Bohme, O.E. Herrmann, J.K.S. Jayasinghe, F. Kocsis, J.M. McCrossin). Algorithms (J.J. Bourdin, J.P. Braquelaire, F.W. Jansen, D. Metaxas, E. Milios, T. Takahashi, T. Tanaka, A.N.T. van der Zalm). Standards (S.S. Abi-Ezzi, C.L. Cesar, C. Fuhrop, W.T. Hewitt, T.L.J. Howard, K. Klement, S. Larkin, S. Noll, G. Pierra, V. Samara, J. Schaub, A. Scheller, M.J. Wozny). Modelling (M. Hosaka, R. Koch, X. Li, J. Muller, D. Richter, T. Saitoh, H.P. Seidel, P.B. Slusallek, J. Sun, Z. Tang, L. Velho). CAD Applications (D. Faudot, P. Girard, L. Guittet, M. Neveu, G. Pierra, J.J. van Wijk). Surface Modelling (J.-C. Dong, B. Falcidieno, M. Higashi, M. Hosaka, T. Kushimoto, Y,-D. Liang, Q.-S. Peng, M. Spagnuolo). Theoretical Foundations (K.-I. Anjyo, H. Bieri, G. Ramstein). Illumination (J. Amanatides, G. Drettakis, E. Fiume, A. Fournier, U. Meyer, P. Poulin). Editing and Drawing Systems (A.H. Barr, C. Ding, W.D. Fellner, D. Kalra, F. Kappe, P. Mateti). Rendering I (M. Berger, A.M.C. Costa, F.N. Ferreira, N. Levit, R.R. Lewis, A.A. Sousa, J.-P. Thirion, E. Torres, T. Trout). User Interface Management Systems (G.P. Faconti, M.D. Harrison, C.W. Johnson, M.-R. Koivunen, F. Paterno). Colour Section. Abstracts of Invited Papers: Computer Vision, Graphics and Image Processing (T.S. Huang). Recent Advances in Molecular Graphics (J. Weber). Interacting with Ubiquitous Systems (W. Newman). Multimedia Publications: Status, Opportunities and Problems (R.L. Philipps). Graphics in Parallel: Some Experiences, Some Possibilities (F.C. Crow).
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