This book explores how the analysis of structure fits into a general theory of politics. It applies a method informed by recent theories of structuralism to the largely untouched field of political science. It takes a holistic approach to systems analysis rather than predominant decompositional methods. By using this neglected concept of structure, it successfully accounts for the great variety of regimes, something that typical decompositional research does not do. To support his case, Easton engages the work of Nicos Poulantzas, a leading structural or Althusserian Marxist. He shows that Poulantzas' work supports the neo-statist movement - a movement which fails to account for various formal regimes. The author shows that it is the organization of political systems as whole entities which fundamentally shape the form regimes take.
Part 1 Structure in political research: structure in contemporary political analysis
political structure revived
varieties of political structure
effects of non-formal political structures
effects of formal political structures
structuralism as a theory of determination
structuralism, systems analysis and higher-order structures
comparative research and whole-system constraint. Part 2 The structuralism of Nicos Poulantzas: Poulantzas - Marzism redefined
structuralist Marxism and systems analysis
a structuralist explanation of the state
the state a structural object
the structural forms of the political systems
the transformation of authoritarian political structures. Part 3 Higher order structures: higher order structures - as explanation
higher-order structures - their composition and influence