Avebury business school library
edited by Roderick Atkin, Elizabeth Chell, Colin Mason
Avebury , Ashgate Pub. Co. c1993 Avebury business school library
Available at 20 libraries
edited by Heinz Klandt
Avebury c1993 FGF Entrepreneurship Research Monographien Bd. 3 , Avebury business school library
Available at 24 libraries
edited by Keith Forrester, Colin Thorne
Avebury , Ashgate Pub. c1993 Avebury business school library
: U.S.
Available at 3 libraries
John T. Thoburn, Makoto Takashima
Avebury , Ashgate Pub. Co. c1992 Avebury business school library
Available at 66 libraries
Suellen M. Littleton
Avebury c1992 Avebury business school library
Available at 8 libraries
Peter Turnbull, Charles Woolfson, and John Kelly ; with Bob Duffy and Ben Smith
Avebury , Ashgate Pub. Co. c1992 Avebury business school library
Available at 6 libraries
edited by Malcolm Trevor
Avebury c1991 Avebury business school library
Available at 39 libraries
Harry Boer
Avebury c1991 Avebury business school library
: us
Available at 17 libraries
Alan Hankinson
Avebury c1991 Avebury business school library
: U.S.
Available at 19 libraries
Michael P. Jackson
Avebury c1991 Avebury business school library
Available at 12 libraries
Ayre Globerson, Shlomo Globerson, Judith Frampton
Avebury , Gower 1991 Avebury business school library
: us
Available at 7 libraries
edited by Leslie G. Davies, Allan A. Gibb
Avebury , Gower Pub. Co. c1991 Avebury business school library
Available at 21 libraries
Alice Russell
Avebury c1991 Avebury business school library
Available at 12 libraries
edited by Paul Stewart, Philip Garrahan, Stuart Crowther
Avebury c1990 Avebury business school library
Available at 17 libraries
D.M.W.N. Hitchens, K. Wagner, J.E. Birnie
Avebury c1990 Avebury business school library
Available at 20 libraries