Uncommon democracies : the one-party dominant regimes
edited by T.J. Pempel
(Cornell paperbacks)
Cornell University Press, 1990
: pbk2112133698
: pbk315||Unc94120981
: pbk324.2||Un 1090006797
: pbk315||P3600310803
東海大学 付属図書館 11 :pbk.315/U01958690
315.1||Un 11012791
奈良県立図書情報館 一般 : pbk315-Pem211010665
: pbk315:U-750100222175
: pbk315/UnA-446497
Papers from a conference held in London and sponsored by the Joint Committees on Japanese Studies and Western Europe of the American Council of Learned Societies and the Social Science Research Council and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Includes bibliographical references
Cornell University Press
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