Merlin, or, The early history of King Arthur : a prose romance (about 1450-1460 A.D.)
edited from the unique MS. in the University Library, Cambridge, by Henry B. Wheatley, with an introduction containing outlines of the history of the legend of Merlin by William Edward Mead ; also essays on Merlin the enchanter and Merlin the bard, by D.W. Nash, and Arthurian localities, by J.S. Stuart Glennie
(Early English Text Society original series, 10/112,
Kraus Reprint, 1987
Early history of King Arthur
Merlin (Prose romance)
v. 1/PR1119/.A2/10,112,CPYR=068696,
杏林大学 井の頭図書館 井の頭図 v. 1083:E11:OS10/1120016251902,
v. 1830.2/Ear/1096122309,
v. 1083||E11||(10)9004564,
明治大学 図書館 和 v. 1938||184-10||||W2200215480,
v. 2933.4||M565||22075437 Reprint. Originally published: London : Early English Text Society, 1865-1899. (Early English Text Society. Original series ; 10/112, 21/36) Includes bibliographies and indexes
Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press , Oxford University Press
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