Experimental study and characterization of chaos
edited by Hao Bai-lin
(Directions in chaos, v. 3)
World Scientific, c1990
423.8|| ||2076T0304375*
東海大学 付属図書館 12 401||E01375786
名古屋大学 工学 図書室 工中央開架 007.61||H41018273
名古屋大学 理学 図書室 理数理 P||CHI||89-E41012561
奈良大学 図書館 図 421.4/B14224533
421.5:E-93/HL6061006000408706 "Most of the review papers in this volume are based on lecture notes from ... the School on Experimental Study of Chaotic Phenomena, held in Tianjin, China, on 5-12 May [1989] ... and the nonlinear dynamics part of the Workshop on Condensed Matter, Molecular, and Atomic Physics, held at ... Trieste, Italy in June- August [1989]" -- Foreword 内容説明 「Nielsen BookData」 より
World Scientific
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