The total estimated damage from greenhouse gas, acid rain, atmospheric pollution, and other man made changes to the environment is of staggering proportions. This clearly points out a need for presentation of the worldwide research results about the environmental effect of the above listed factors and their possible remediation. To that end, this book advances the present state of our knowledge and understanding of the environment and also serves as a basis for thoughtful debate and positive action for the preservation of our biosphere.
Observational and Theoretical Studies of Greenhouse Climate Effects, K.E. Taylor and S.L. Grotch
Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and the Global Carbon Cycle: The Key Uncertainties, T.H. Peng, W.M. Post, D.L. DeAngelis, V.H. Dale, and M.P. Farrell
Uncertainty in the Projection of Carbon Dioxide Emissions, G.W. Yohe
Ambient Air Co-Modeling in Alaska, R.A. Johnson, M. Anderson, and E. Lilly
Influence of Green Plants on the World Carbon Budget, A.E. Lugo
The Effects of Land Use Alteration on Tropical Carbon Exchange, J. Molofsky, E.S. Menges, C.A.S. Hall, T.V. Armentano, and K.A. Ault
The Challenge of Sustaining Productivity in the Face of CO2-Induced Change, J.S. Hoffman
Acid Precipitation: A Review, U.M. Cowgill
Effects of Acid Rain on Epiphytic Orchid Growth, Sr. J.K. Frei, C. Orenic, N. Smith, and H. Jeffer
Design of an Economic and Efficient Treatment of Station for Acidic Streams, H.T. Gencsoy, J.G. Pappajohn, G.A. Clites, and P.E. Zurbuch
Clean Fuels Prices Dependent on Regional Air Quality Standards, R.G. Thompson and F.D. Singleton, Jr.
Environmental Control Impacts of Selected Alternate Fuels on Existing Power Plants, E.W. Stenby, W.W. Hoskins, and A.W. Donaldson
Effect of NOx Control Technology on Efficient Utilization of Fuel, O.I. Ogunsola and M. Rashid Khan
Industrial Energy Use, Nonattaintment and the Clean Air Act Reauthorization, P.J. Grogan, D.B. Garvey, and D.G. Streets
A Utility Planning Model for the Study of Air Pollution Reduction, N. Tyle
Mathematical Modelling for Sulphur Dioxide Removal from Stack Gases in a Fluidized Bed of Activated Sodium Carbonate, H. El. Abd and F. El Diwani
Pollutant Emissions from Internal Combustion Engines Using Ethyl Alcohol-Water Blends and Gasoline as Fuels, R.S. Queioz, A.F. Orlando, and A.M.B. Bittencourt
Control of the Emitted Pollutants of a High Speed Compression Ignition Engine by Supplementary Vapor-Gasoline Fueling, D.A. Kouremenos, C.D. Rakopoulos, and P. Kostiopoulos
Environment Impact Evaluation of Micropollutants from Combustion Phenomena, L. Cassitto
Destruction of the Organo-Chlorinated Micropollution in Combustion Processes, L. Cassitto
Comparison of Observed and Predicted Kr-85 Air Concentrations, M. Yildiran and C.W. Miller
Analysis of Global Ultraviolet Radiation Measurements at Futhaulia, Baghdad, M. Al-Riahi, A. Akrawi, and S. Hikmat
Energy and Radiative Precursor Emissions, J.A. Emonds, D.L. Wuebbles, and M.J. Scott
Radionucleotides in U.S. Coals and Their Implications with Respect to Energy Development, C.A. Bissell and R.D. Brown
Oil Transport Management and Marine Pollution Control: Oil Spill Prevention, E.L. Bourodimos and C.C. Carvounis
Relationship of Regional Water Quality to Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage, R.D. Allen and J.R. Raymond
Comparative Physico-Chemical Analysis of Drinking, Ground, and Industrial Waste Water of Jodhpur, R.C. Kapoor, J. Kishan, K.C.K. Mathur, and P. Sharma
The Energy Transformation-Ecology Interface form a Nonlinear, Noneqilibrium Thermodynamic Perspective, A.A. Oni
Alternative Gaseous Fuels Safety Assessment, M.C. Krupka, A.R. Peaslee, Jr., and H.L. Laquer
National Estimates of Residential Firewood and Air Pollution Emissions, F.W. Lipfert and J.L. Dungan
Air Quality Effects of Solar Energy Development, L. Habegger, F. Lipfert, and K.J. Allwine, Jr.
Cleaner and Economically Self-Sustaining Energy for Developing Countries, A.V.K. Suryanarayana
Coal Gasification Plant for Philadelphia - A Case History of Environmental Consideration Impacting Design, R.P. Stringer
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