AU - Resnick, Martin I.
AU - 渡辺, 泱
AU - Karr, James P.
AU - International Workshop on Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Prostate
AU - National Science Foundation (U.S.)
AU - Organ Systems Coordinating Center (National Cancer Institute)
AU - 日本学術振興会
TI - Diagnostic ultrasound of the prostate : proceedings of the First International Workshop on Diagnostic Ultrasound of the Prostate, held October 22 through 23, 1988, in Washington, D.C.
PB - Elsevier
PY - 1989
EP - xv, 219 p.
UR - https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA09817363
SN - 0444014896
ER -