Amphioxi, Petromyzones, Myxini, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali
(Keys to the fauna of the USSR : published by the Zoological Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, no. 68 . { Fishes of the Sea of Japan and the adjacent areas of the Sea of Okhotsk and the Yellow Sea / G.U. Lindberg and M.I. Legeza ; editor of this volume,
Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1967
Ryby Yaponskogo morya i sopredelʹnykh chastei Okhotskogo i Zheltogo morei
愛媛大学 図書館 図
NDC7:487.5/L813008228 At head of title: Akademiya nauk Soyuza Sovetskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik = Academy of Sciences of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Russian ed. published in 1959 Bibliography: p. 167-175 Includes indexes
Israel Program for Scientific Translations
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