Text ( visual ) : unmediated Architektonische studien / von Sergius Andrejewitsch Iwanoff = Архитектурныя изслѣдованія / Сергѣя Андреевича Иванова. -- Heft 3 ; Heft 3, [atlas]. -- Berlin : G. Reimer , 1898. -- v. : ill. (some col.), facsims., plans ; 35 cm. -- T.p. and text in Russian and German ; Heft 3, [atlas] in 1 portfolio ; Heft 3. Mit erlæuterungen von Christian Hülsen in das Russische übersetzt von Michael Rostowzew herausgegeben vom Kaiserlich Deutschen archäologischen Institut = выпускъ III. Съ пояснительнымъ словомъХристіана Гюльзена переведеннымъ на Русскій языкъ Михаиломъ Ростовцевымъ издано Императорскимъ Германскимъ Археологическимъ Институтомъ ; Opposite pages (81 p.) numbered in duplicate in Heft 3 ; Heft 3. 81 p., 20 leaves of plates -- Heft 3, [atlas]. 43 leaves ; "Nachtrag zu Pompeji" inserted in Heft 3 (opposite pages (p. 20-22) numbered in duplicate) ; Two leaves of "Pompeji xvi-xvii" inserted in Heft 3, [atlas]. -- (BA08307587) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA08307587 Author Heading(s): Iwanoff, Sergius Andrejewitsch ; Hülsen, Christian ; Rostovzeff, Michael Ivanovitch ; Kaiserlich Deutschen Archäologischen Institut. -- Classification(s): LCC : NA327.P6. -- Subject Heading(s): LCSH : Baths of Caracalla (Rome, Italy) ; LCSH : Architecture -- Greece ; LCSH : Architecture -- Rome ; LCSH : Architecture -- Italy -- Pompeii (Extinct city) ; LCSH : Greece -- Antiquities ; LCSH : Pompeii (Extinct city)