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ISBN 9788120805248
Containing two dissertations, this title examines archaic astronomy, in particular the psychology of perception and the seven Lotus flowers of the Kundalini yoga. The second study attempts to correlate Tantric yoga with the teaching of Parmenides, one of the earliest founders of Western philosophy.
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: pbk ISBN 9788120805606
of these the first dissertation concerns with the understanding of Archaic Astronomy from the stand-point of a psychologist of perception, trained in Astronomy. The author deals with the psychology of Perception and the seven Lotus-flowers of the Kundalini Yoga-by elucidating the study of Arthur Avalon, giving parallels in other traditions, while presenting a comperativestudy on its bearing on Astronomy according to Ptolemy.The study throws new light on Parmenides and his dictrine clearing away the mist of misunderstanding in Western Philosophy.
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