The Symposium on the Crab Nebula was held in the University of Manchester from 5 to 7 August, 1970. The meetings on the first day were held in the Physics Department on the University campus, and on the second and third days at the Nuffield Radio Astronomy Laboratories, Jodrell Bank. The 4th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union, convened in the University and at Jodrell Bank fifteen years earlier (25-27 August, 1955), dealt with the entire subject of radio and radar astronomy. Now the subject matter of this 46th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union was confined to one single object. It is interesting to recall that even at the 1955 symposium the Crab Nebula figured prominently. In particular, J. H. Oort described the new measurements of the polariza tion of the light from the nebula and I. S. Shklovsky explained the light and radio emission in terms of the motion of relativistic electrons in the magnetic field of the nebula. No one could have foreseen the exciting discoveries of a decade later which stimulated the assembly of 172 participants to this 1970 Symposium. In addition to the lectures and discussions the visitors were able to tour the laboratories and telescopes at J odrell Bank to see the various researches in progress. The demonstrations included a real-time display on a cathode ray tube of the pulses from pulsar CP 0328 received in the 250 ft steerable telescope.
Session 1 / Observations of the Crab Nebula.- 1.1 Optical Observations of the Crab Nebula.- 1.2 Dynamics of the Crab Nebula.- 1.3 The Electromagnetic Spectrum of the Crab Nebula.- 1.4 Searches for ?-Rays from the Crab Nebula and Its Pulsar.- 1.5 X-Ray Observations of the Crab Nebula.- 1.6 Upper Limit of the X-Ray Polarization of the Crab Nebula.- 1.7 Recent Results on the Search for 1011 eV Gamma Rays from the Crab Nebula.- 1.8 High Resolution Maps of the Crab Nebula at 2700 MHz and 5000 MHz.- Session 2 / Observations of the Crab Pulsar.- 2.1 Radio Observations of the Crab Nebula Pulsar.- 2.2 X-Ray Observations of NP 0532.- 2.3 Optical Observations of the Crab Pulsar, and Searches for Other Optical Pulsars.- 2.4 The Relation of the Low Frequency Source to the Crab Pulsar.- 2.5 Individual Radio Pulses from NP 0531.- 2.6 Pulsar NP 0532: Recent Results on Strong Pulses Obtained at Arecibo.- 2.7 Radio Observations of the Crab Pulsar at 408, 240 and 151 MHz.- 2.8 Time Variability of the Dispersion of the Crab Nebula Pulsar.- 2.9 Faraday Rotation of the Crab Pulsar Radiation.- 2.10 Timing of Optical Pulses from the Crab Nebula Pulsar.- 2.11 Timing Observations of the Crab Nebula Pulsar at the Arecibo Observatory.- 2.12 A Search for Variations in the Intensity of the Optical Pulses from NP 0532.- 2.13 Results of Optical Timing Measurements of the Crab Nebula Pulsar.- 2.14 Optical Timing of the Crab Nebula Pulsar NP 0532 (Abstract).- 2.15 Photometry and Polarimetry of the Crab Pulsar.- 2.16 Measurement of the Circular Polarization of Pulsar NP 0532.- 2.17 Search for Pulsed High Energy Gamma Radiation from NP 0532.- Session 3 / Observations of Other Pulsars.- 3.1 The Galactic Population of Pulsars.- 3.2 The Comparative Properties of the Pulsars.- 3.3 Polarization of Pulsars.-3.4 Observations of Pulsar Spectra.- 3.5 Polarization Measurements of Other Pulsars at Jodrell Bank.- 3.6 Crab Pulsar Radiation Characteristics.- 3.7 Timing of the Pulsar NP 0527.- 3.8 Interstellar Scattering and the Pulse from the Vela Pulsar.- 3.9 Searches for Optical Pulsars.- 3.10 Results of a Search for Visible Pulsars.- 3.11 Magnetism in White Dwarfs.- 3.12 Optical Pulsar in NGC 4254 (Summary).- Session 4 / Relation of Crab Nebula to Other Supernova Remnants.- 4.1 Comments on Supernova Remnants and Ancient Novae.- 4.2 Radio Emission from Supernova Remnants.- 4.3 Cassiopeia A — the Youngest Known Galactic Supernova Remnant.- 4.4 The Secular Behavior of X-Ray and Radio Emission from Supernova Remnants.- 4.5 Pulsars and Close Binary Systems.- Session 5 / Physics of the Crab Nebula.- 5.1 Plasma Interactions in the Crab Nebula.- 5.2 Radio Polarization of the Crab Nebula.- 5.3 Transfer of Energy to the Crab Nebula Following the Spin-Up of the Pulsar.- 5.4 Radiative Ionization of the Filaments in the Crab Nebula.- 5.5 Synchrotron Radiation in High Magnetic Fields.- Session 6 / Physics of the Neutron Star.- 6.1 Physics of the Neutron Star.- 6.2 General Relativistic Theory of Rotating Neutron Stars — A Review.- 6.3 Dynamical Stability of Neutron Stars.- 6.4 Models of Rotating Neutron Stars in General Relativity.- 6.5 The Effects of Nuclear Forces on the Maximum Mass Limit of Neutron Stars.- 6.6 Nuclear Forces in High Density Matter.- 6.7 Periodicity and Luminosity of the ‘Pulsar’ Model of Quasars.- 6.8 Multiple Pulsar Ejection in Supernova Events.- 6.9 Emission of Gravitational Waves from the Pulsar (Summary).- 6.10 Young Pulsars — Pulsed Neutron Sources.- Session 7 / Energy Considerations and the Electrodynamic Link between the Pulsar and the Nebula.- 7.1Relationship between Pulsar and Nebula.- 7.2 A Magnetic Dipole Model for the Crab Explosion (Summary).- 7.3 Physical Processes and Parameters in the Magnetosphere of NP 0532.- 7.4 The Non-Thermal Continuum from the Crab Nebula: the ‘Synchro-Compton’ Interpretation.- 7.5 Maser Theory of Pulsar Radiation.- Session 8 / Radiation Mechanisms of the Pulsar.- 8.1 The Radiation Mechanism in Pulsars.- 8.2 Pulsar Models and Radiation Properties (Summary).- 8.3 Low Mode Coherent Synchrotron Radiation and Pulsar Models.- 8.4 Radiation from Pulsars.- 8.5 Radiation Beaming in Pulsars.- 8.6 Low-Frequency Cutoffs in Synchrotron Spectra and the Optical Spectrum of NP 0532.- 8.7 Pulsar (and X-Star) Emission from the Magnetosphere of a Collapsed Star.
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