The research papers collected in this book provide the reader with an up-to-date view of current research in Computer Graphics. Eurographics '89 was the tenth annual conference of the European Association for Computer Graphics. The chosen theme was ``Interaction, Integration and Visualisation''.
Interaction Tools. MICRO-UIDT: A User Interface Development Tool. The Structure of Tube - A Tool for Implementing Advanced User Interfaces. Realism. The Macro-Regions: An Efficient Space Subdivision Structure for Ray Tracing. Pixel Selected Ray Tracing. Accelerated Radiosity Method for Complex Environments. Interaction Models. Two Object-Oriented Models to Design Graphical User Interfaces. On the Software Structure of User Interface Management Systems. Components, Frameworks and GKS Input. Rendering Parametric Surfaces. A VLSI Chip for Ray Tracing Bicubic Patches. Ray Tracing Polynomial Tensor Product Surfaces. Deformation of Solids with Trivariate B-Splines. Applications of Visualisation. Visualisation in Astrophysics. Non-Planar Polygons and Photographic Components for Naturalism in Computer Graphics. Visualisation of Digital Terrain Data. Architecture. A Parallel Image Computer with a Distributed Frame Buffer: System Architecture and Programming. Adding Parallelism in Object Space to the Rendering Pipeline. Forest of Quadtrees: An Object Representation for 3D Graphics. Texturing and Anti-Aliasing. Anti-Aliasing by Successive Steps with a Z-Buffer. A Model for Description and Synthesis of Heterogeneous Textures. Hierarchical Texture Synthesis on 3-D Surfaces. Formal Specification. GKS, Structures and Formal Specification. Toward Realistic Formal Specifications for Non-Trivial Graphical Objects. A Topological Map-Based Kernel for Polyhedron Modelers: Algebraic Specification and Logic Prototyping. Lighting and Shading. Highlight Shading: Lighting and Shading in a PHIGS+/PEX-Environment. On Reducing the Phong Shading Method. Delaunay Triangulations and the Radiosity Approach. Fundamental Algorithms. Algorithms for 2D Line Clipping. An Analysis of Modeling Clip. Variations on a Dither Algorithm. Interactive Visualisation. A Reference Model for the Visualisation of Multi-Dimensional Data. Graphics Standards. GEO++ - A System for Both Modelling and Display. 2.5 Dimensional Graphics Systems. When is a Line a Line? Modelling I. Subdivision of Surfaces and Generalized Maps. Blending Rational B-Spline Surfaces. Representing Tolerance Information in Feature-Based Solid Modelling. Animation. The Use of Finite Element Theory for Simulating Object and Human Body Deformations and Contacts. Message-Based Object-Oriented Interaction Modeling. Modelling II. Graph Grammars, A New Paradigm for Implementing Visual Languages. Supporting Graphical Languages with Structure Editors. Visualizing Curvature Discontinuities of Free-Form Surfaces. Colour Section.
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