Filartete's Treatise on architecture : being the treatise by Antonio di Piero Averlino, known as Filarete
translated with an introduction and notes by John R. Spencer
(Yale publications in the history of art, 16)
Yale University Press, 1965
vol. 1 : The translation520.28//F//AR-1T-26889,
東京芸術大学 附属図書館 芸西洋 vol. 1 : The translationFb/FILARETE/1-118802546483, 名古屋大学 工学 図書室 工中央建築 vol. 1 : The translation7203||451||20-1||520.4:Sp40328106, Contents:Vol. 1. The translation. - Vol. 2. The facsimile. 395p
Yale University Press
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