60 years after Lawrence's death, the nature of his achievement is still being debated. His vision has aroused passionate interest in many countries beyond his own. As a writer in the 20th century and as one with international standing, this book presents Lawrence "in the modern world".
- The restoration of "Women in Love", John Worthen
- D.H.Lawrence's self consciousness, Barbara Hardy
- "the fight for Barbara" - Lawrence's society drama, Ian Clarke
- in search of the dark God - Lawrence's dualism, Chong-Wha Chung
- life as a four-letter word - a contemporary view of Lawrence and Joyce, H.M.Daleski
- Lawrence of Etruria, Simonetta De Filippis
- the sense of history in "The Rainbow", Mark Kinkead-Weekes
- the Midlands imagination - Arnold Bennett, George Eliot, Hale White and Lawrence, Bridget Pugh
- skinning the fox - a masochist's delight, Claude Sinzelle
- "Hibiscus and Salvia Flowers" - the puritan imagination, Tom Paulin
- making the classic contemporary - Lawrence's pilgrimage novels and American romance, L.D.Clark
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