Titanium and titanium alloys : scientific and technological aspects
edited by J. C. Williams and A. F. Belov ; associate editors, N. F. Anoshkin ... [et al.]
Plenum Press, c1982
vol. 1565.54:Ti8:(1)208900492,
vol. 1669.732||3||182200658,
vol. 1565.54||i||1SG103448, 東京大学 工学部・工学系研究科 マテリアル vol. 1t:&:82.101000710929, vol. 1565.54:W74:11110003389, vol. 1565.54||IN||1976-187900192, Organized by the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, in association with the Metallurgical Society of AIME and others, and held at Moscow State University, May 18-21, 1976 Includes bibliographical references and index注記