Federal rules of civil procedure
(Federal practice and procedure / by Charles Alan Wright, v. 4-12A)
West Pub. Co., 1969-1998
Rules 38 to 53 (sections 2301 to 2650)327.9//WR-25137,
岡山大学 附属図書館 附属図
Rules 66 to 86 (sections 2981 to 3500)327/F 17016000507107,
学習院大学 図書館 法経
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)347.9||W93||400120306,
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)Rv 00/W/14015232000246103,
近畿大学 中央図書館 中図
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)327.0253-W94-410155630,
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)3-1-3574//4011000287490,
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)348.2||19||484200213,
Rules 7 to 12 (sections 1180 to 1400)327.953-W9410089319474,
東海大学 付属図書館 11
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)327.953||W||400798575,
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)S226:W948:F694100745233,
東北大学 附属図書館 本館
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)01810179180,
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)Mfd:249:4128533412T,
Rules 26 to 37 (sections 2001 to 2300)327.953:W-94/HL3056003000404441,
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)dc19:347.735/w931220608173,
Rules 1 to 6 (sections 1001 to 1180)327/F212/40083226274,
Rules 26 to 37 (sections 2001 to 2300)19652166096,
Some vols. co-authored with A.R. Miller, E.H. Cooper, and others
Kept up to date by cumulative supplements and revised and expanded editions of individual volumes
Includes interim index, issued separately
by Charles Alan Wright
West Pub. Co. 1969-
Interim index. 1986 ed , Interim index. 1989 ed , General index and tables. 1995 ed , General index and tables. 1998 ed , General index and tables. 1999 ed , General index and tables. 2000 ed , General index and tables. 2001 ed , General index and tables. 2002 ed , General index and tables. 2003 ed , General index and tables. 2004 ed , General index and tables. 2005 ed