A discussion of corporate strategies in recession and recovery during the period 1979-85. Topics covered include recession strategies, taking the domestic appliance and office furniture industries as examples, details of how the research was carried out and social structure and strategic choice.
- Part 1 Stragegic choice and recession: the problem of strategic choice
- the 1979-85 recession and recovery
- strategies in recession and recovery. Part 2 Determinist accounts of strategic choice: action and environmental determinism. Part 3 Towards strategic choice: antecedents to a theory of strategic choice
- recent studies of strategic choice. Part 4 Realism and agency: realism and society
- structure and power
- structure and actor. Part 5 Social structure and strategic choice: complex structures
- strategic choice and constraint. Part 6 How and where the research was done: methodology
- the domestic appliance industry
- the office furniture industry. Part 7 The domestic appliance companies: internal characteristics
- the scope for strategic choice. Part 8 The appliance companies in recession and recovery: recession strategies and their consequences. Part 9 The office furniture companies: internal characteristics
- the scope for strategic choice. Part 10 The furniture companies in recession and recovery: recession strategies and consequences. Part 11 Strategic choice or determinism? Part 12 Concluding for strategic choice: strategies, performance and change
- society and strategic choice. Appendices: domestic appliance companies' performances
- office furniture companies' performances.
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