Text ( visual ) : unmediated वाजसनेयिसंहिता : श्रीशुक्लयजुर्वेदे : श्रीमन्महीधरकृतवेददीपाख्यभाष्यसहिता / अल्बेर्तेन वेबेरेण शोधिता. -- 2. संस्करण. -- वाराणसी : चौखम्बा संस्कृत सीरीज आफिस , 1972. -- 8 p., p. [vii]-xcv, 989 p. ; 29 cm. -- (चौखम्बा संस्कृत ग्रन्थमाला ; ग्रन्थ-संख्या 103). -- In Sanskrit; introductory matter in English ; Added t.p. in English: The Vājasaneyi-Saṃhitā in the Mādhyandina and the Kānva-Śākhā with the commentary of Mahidhara ; A reprint of v. 1 (The Vâjasaneyi-Sanhitâ in the Mādhyandina- and Kāṇva-câkhâ) of the editor's The White Yajurveda, published by F. Dümmler, Berlin, 1852-1859 ; Variant readings and corrections: p. [xii]-l. -- (BA06860796) ; https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA06860796 Other Title(s): The Vājasaneyi-Saṃhitā in the Mādhyandina and the Kānva-Śākhā with the commentary of Mahidhara ; वाजसनेयिन् संहिता : श्री शुक्ल यजुर्वेदे : श्रीमत् महीधर कृत वेद दीप आख्य भाष्य सहिता. -- Author Heading(s): Weber, Albrecht ; Mahīdhara. -- Classification(s): NDC8 : 126.3