
Handbook of neuropsychology

series editors, François Boller, Jordan Grafman

Elsevier, 1988-

  • : set
  • v. 1
  • v. 2
  • v. 3
  • v. 4
  • v. 5
  • v. 6
  • v. 7
  • v. 8
  • v. 9
  • v. 10
  • v. 11

大学図書館所蔵 件 / 97



"Section editors, F. Boller ... [et al.]"--Vol. 1

"Section editors, H. Goodglass, A.R. Damasio"--Vol. 2

"Section editors, L. Squire, G. Gainotti"--Vol. 3

"Section editors, R.D. Nebes, S. Corkin"--Vol. 4

"Section editors, S. Corkin, J. Grafman, F. Boller"--Vol. 5

"Section editors, I. Rapin, S.J. Segalowitz"--Vol. 6

"Section editors, S.J. Segalowitz, I. Rapin"--Vol. 7

"Section editors, H. Spinner, F. Boller"--Vol. 8

"Section editors, F. Boller, H. Spinnler, J.A. Hendler"--Vol. 9

"Section editors, R. Johnson Jr, J.C. Baron"--Vol. 10

"Section editors, M. Jeannerod, J. Grafman"--Vol. 11

Includes bibliographies and index

Originally published 1988-; pbk. ed. 1990-



v. 3 ISBN 9780444810908


Volume 3 includes two sections. The first, Section 5 of the Handbook (Topic Editor: L. Squire), deals with memory and its disorders. Specific topics include the organization and neurological foundations of memory, the neuropsychological assessment of learning and memory, and a discussion of which structures and connections must be damaged to produce memory disorders. Specific syndromes are also discussed, including post-traumatic amnesia, transient global amnesia, and functional amnesia. This section concludes with chapters on rehabilitation and on pharmacological treatment of memory disorders. The second part of this volume, Section 6 (Topic Editor: G. Gainotti), deals with emotional behavior and its disorders. It includes a review of theories of emotion, of the anatomical and neurochemical bases of emotional behavior, lateralization and hemispheric specialization, as well as specific disorders of emotion and emotional arousal including anxiety and depression.


Preface. List of contributors. Acknowledgements. Section 5: Memory and its disorders (L. Squire) . 1. Neuropsychological assessment of learning and memory (D.C. Delis). 2. Disorders of memory: the cognitive science perspective (A.P. Shimamura). 3. Frontal lobes and memory (M. Petrides). 4. Memory disorders associated with temporal-lobe lesions (M.L. Smith). 5. Diencephalic amnesia (N. Butter and D.T. Stuss). 6. Amnesia caused by herpes simplex encephalitis, infarctions in basal forebrain, Alzheimer's disease and anoxia/ischemia (A.R. Damasio, D. Tranel and H. Damasio). 7. Transient global amnesia (M. Kritchevsky). 8. Memory deficit after closed head injury (H.S. Levin). 9. Functional amnesia (D.L. Schacter and J.F. Kihlstrom). 10. Models and methods of memory rehabilitation (E.L. Glisky and D.L. Schacter). 11. Pharmacological treatment of memory disorders (L.J. Thal). Section 6: Emotional behavior and its disorders (G. Gainotti) . 12. Theories of emotions and neuropsychological research (P. Feyereisen). 13. Anatomical substrate of emotional reactions (G. Macchi). 14. Neurochemical basis of emotional behavior (C.B. Pert, J.M. Hill and B. Zipser). 15. Ictal and interictal manifestations of emotions in epilepsy (E. Strauss). 16. Disorders of emotions and affect in patients with unilateral brain damage (G. Gainotti). 17. Asymmetries in recognition of emotion (N.L. Etcoff). 18. Facial expression of emotion (L. Pizzamiglio, C. Caltagirone and P. Zoccolotti). 19. Arousal and emotions (K.M. Heilman and R.T. Watson). 20. Laterality and emotion: an electrophysiological approach (R.J. Davidson and A.J. Tomarken). 21. Neuropsychological mechanisms of anxiety and depression (D.M. Tucker and M. Liotti). 22. Psychopathology and hemispheric specialization: left hemisphere dysfunction in schizophrenia, psychopathy, hysteria and the obsessional syndrome (P. Flor-Henry). Index

v. 6 ISBN 9780444811929


Whereas the first five volumes of the Handbook are essentially dedicated to the neuropsychology of adulthood and aging, Volumes 6 and 7 deal with child neuropsychology. They provide information on the anatomy of brain development and some of its pathologies, specialization and plasticity, developmental and acquired neuropsycholgy, and the limits of plasticity in the immature brain. Handedness, and the relationship of developmental learning disorders and cerebral dominance are widely discussed. Volume 6 focusses on the immature brain, structural, functional, and behavioral assessment, mental deficiency and disorders of sensorimotor functions. The book will keep all scientists working in the field of neuropsychology abreast of recent developments, and points to future paths to be explored in this rapidly expanding area.


Preface. List of contributors. Acknowledgements. Section 10: Child Neuropsychology (I. Rapin and S.J. Segalowitz). I. Introduction. 1. Child neuropsychology: nature and scope (I. Rapin and S.J. Segalowitz). II. The Immature Brain: Development and Damage. 2. Normal and abnormal development of the brain (P. Evrard, N. Miladi, C. Bonnier and P. Gressens). 3. The emergence of a neuropsychology of normal development: rapprochement between neuroscience and developmental psychology (S.J. Segalowitz and M. Hiscock). 4. Plasticity and recovery of higher cognitive functions following early brain injury (D.M. Aram and J.A. Eisele). 5. Developmental and acquired disorders of childhood (C.M. Temple). 6. The genetics of handedness, cerebral dominance, and lateralization (I.C. McManus and M.P. Bryden). 7. Left-handedness (L.J. Harris). III. Epidemiological Considerations. 8. Developmental disorders of cerebral function (D. Bellinger, A. Leviton and K. Stiles). IV. Assessment of Brain Structure and Function: Usefulness for Child Neuropsychology. 9. EEG and topographic brain mapping (M.W. Torello). 10. Event-related potentials in developmental neuropsychology (M. Steinschneider, D. Kurtzburg and H.G. Vaughan). 11. Neuroimaging in child neuropsychology (P.A. Filipek, D.N. Kennedy and V.S. Caviness Jr). 12. Cerebral single photon emission tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) during development and in learning disorders (H.C. Lou). V. Behavioral Assessment. 13. Conceptual and psychometric issues in the neuropsychologic assessment of children: measurement of ability discrepancy and change (R.D. Morris, J.M. Fletcher and D.J. Francis). 14. Neuropsychological assessment in infancy (V.J. Molfese). 15. The neuropsychological assessment of the preschool child: a branching model (B.C. Wilson). 16. Neuropsychological assessment of school-aged children. VII. Cognition and its Disorders. 17. Developmental neuropsychology: lessons from cognitive development (P. Prather and H. Gardner). 18. Mental retardation: current issues related to assessment (S.S. Sparrow and A.S. Carter). VII. Sensorimotor Functions and their Disorders. 19. Disorders of motor function and control (M.B. Denckla and D.P. Roeltgen). 20. Disorders of somatosensory perception in children (J.E. Casey and B.P. Rourke). Index.

v. 7 ISBN 9780444812094


Volume 7 complements Volume 6 and focusses on language, memory, attention, mood and noncognitive aspects of behavior. Additional chapters deal with academic disorders (dyslexia and dyscalculia), and with epilepsy, autism and childhood psychosis. The book will keep all scientists working in the field of neuropsychology abreast of recent developments, and points to future paths to be explored in this rapidly expanding area.


Preface. List of contributors. Acknowledgements. Section 10: Child Neuropsychology (continued) (S.J. Segalowitz and I. Rapin). VII. Sensorimotor Functions and their Disorders (continued) . 1. Visual perception (A.W. Young and H.D. Ellis). 2. Cognitive development in visually impaired children (D.H. Warren). 3. Central auditory function and disorders (L.J. Hood and C.I. Berlin). 4. The cognitive development of deaf children: recent insights (R.I. Mayberry). VIII. Language and its Disorders. 5. Early language development and its neural correlates (E. Bates, D. Thal and J.S. Janowsky). 6. Developmental language disorders (I. Rapin, D.A. Allen and M.A. Dunn). 7. Acquired aphasias in children (A. Van Hout). IX. Academic Disorders of School-Age Children. 8. Developmental dyslexia (M.W. Lovett). 9. Patterns of atypical reading development: attributes and underlying reading processes (J.L. Metsala and L.S. Siegel). 10. Developmental dyscalculia (C.M. Temple). X. Memory and its Disorders. 11. Memory, cognition, and learning: developmental and ecological considerations (S.J. Ceci and M.D. DeSimone). 12. Disorders of memory and learning (R.G. Maurer). XI. Attention and its Disorders. 13. Development of attention and metacognition (M. Kinsbourne). 14. Disorders of attention in children (D. Dinklage and R.A. Barkley). 15. The development of frontal-lobe functions (M.L. Smith, M. Kates and E.R. Vriezen). XII. Mood, Drive, Appetitive Behaviors and their Disorders. 16. Mood, affect, and their disorders in children and adolescents (B.D. Kennard, G.J. Emslie and W.A. Weinberg). 17. Disorders of appetite (M.A. Boeck). 18. Neuropsychological consequences of substance abuse (V.L. Bonnefil and F.J. Pirozzolo). XIII Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Psychoses. 19. The clinical syndrome of autism (N.J. Minshew and A.I. Rattan). 20. Childhood-onset schizophrenia (R. Asarnow). XIV. Convulsive Disorders. 21. The neuropsychology of childhood seizure disorders (D.M. Masur and S. Shinnar). Index.

v. 5 ISBN 9780444812339


Volume 5 continues Section 8 (Topic Editor: S. Corkin) covering ageing, age-related disorders and dementia. It includes chapters on epidemiology, the problem of possible subgroups in Alzheimer's disease, pathological and chemical correlates of dementia, disorders of attention and motor functions, as well as additional chapters on memory. A chapter on treatment strategies for dementhia and reviews of specific disorders (Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease and HIV infection). The second part of Volume 5 (Section 9, Editors: J. Grafman and F. Boller) deals with cognitive models, neurolinguistic approaches to aphasia, and with methodological and practical issues in neuropsychology.


I. Preface. II. List of Contributors. III. Acknowledgements. Section 8: Ageing and Dementia (continued) (S. Corkin). 1. The epidemiology of dementia, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease (L. Amaducci and A. Lippi). 2. Subgroups of dementia: methodological issues and applications to Alzheimer's disease (H.C. Chui). 3. Pathological and chemical correlates of dementia (P.J. Whitehouse, M. Tabaton and D. Lanska). 4. Nuclear magnetic resonance: principles and applications to neuroscience research (J.W. Pettegrew). 5. Treatment strategies in primary degenerative dementias (E. Mohr and T.N. Chase). 6. The role of attention disorders in the cognitive deficits of dementia (H. Spinnler). 7. Age-related changes in memory: learning and remembering new information (F.A. Huppert). 8. Differential effects of ageing and age-related neurological diseases on memory subsystems of the brain (J.D.E. Gabrieli). 9. Motor functions in ageing and neurodegenerative disease (F. Pirozzolo, R.K. Mahurin, A.A. Sirihart). 10. Cognitive deficits in Parkinson's disease (B. Dubois, F. Boller, B. Pillon and Y. Agid). 11. Cognitive impairments in Huntington's disease: insights into the neuropsychology of the striatum (J. Brandt). 12. The neurology and neuropsychology of HIV infection (Y. Stern and K. Marder). Section 9: Cognitive Methodological and Practical Approaches (J. Grafman and F. Boller). 13. The role of cognitive theory in neuropsychological research (A. Olson and A. Caramazza). 14. Language processing and language disorders as revealed through studies of syntactic comprehension (D. Caplan). 15. Current methodological issues in human neuropsychology (G. Vallar). 16. Neuropsychology in its daily practice: past and present (F. Boller, A.A. Swihart, M.M. Forbes and G. Denes).

v. 4 ISBN 9780444812346


Volume 4 consists of two sections. Section 7 (Topic Editor: R.D. Nebes) deals with the neurobehavioral sequelae of congenital and surgically induced lesions of the corpus callosum and hemispherectomy in animals and humans. The following section, Section 8 (Topic Editor: S. Corkin), deals with ageing, age-related disorders and dementia. It covers the neuropsychology of ageing in animals and humans; clinical and pathological correlates of dementia; as well as modern clinical and experimental techniques such as PET and NMR spectroscopy. Also included are chapters on psychiatric symptoms in dementia, sleep studies of demented patients, statistical considerations, and issues related to pharmacological therapy of dementia. Due to the considerable size of this section, only the first part is included in Volume 4. It will be continued in Volume 5.


Preface. List of contributors. Acknowledgements. Section 7: The commissurotomized brain (R.D. Nebes): 1. The commissurotomized brain (R.D. Nebes). 2. Language functions in the two hemispheres following complete cerebral commissurotomy and hemispherectomy (E. Zaidel). 3. Memory and spatial cognition following commissurotomy (D.W. Zaidel). 4. Integrative functions of the cerebral commissures (C. Trevarthen). 5. Neuropsychological sequelae of partial commissurotomy (H.W. Gordon). 6. Agenesis of the corpus callosum (M.A. Jeeves). 7. Commissurotomy studies in animals (G. Berlucchi). Section 8: Ageing and dementia (S. Corkin): 8. Animal models of age-related cognitive decline (C.A. Barnes). 9. Brain imaging and cerebral metabolism (R.P. Friedland). 10. Olfaction (R.L. Doty). 11. Vision and ageing (C. Owsley and M.E. Sloane). 12. Language in normal ageing and age-related neurological diseases (F.J. Huff). 13. Spatial abilities and deficits in ageing and age-related disorders (J.A. Ogden). 14. Abstract thought in ageing and age-related neurological disease (A. Cronin-Golomb). 15. Ageing and age-related neurological disease: remote memory (H.J. Sagar). 16. Psychiatric symptoms in dementia: interaction of affect and cognition (C.C. Hoch and C.F. Reynolds III). 17. Sleep in the dementing disorders (P.N. Prinz, J.S. Poceta and M.V. Vitiello). 18. Longitudinal studies of ageing and age-associated dementia (M. Storandt). 19. Statistical practice in ageing and dementia research (T.J. Rosen). Index.

v. 11 ISBN 9780444824677


Presented here is the eleventh volume of this edition of the "Handbook of Neuropsychology". This text is a reference source for clinicians such as neurologists, psychiatrists, and psychologists, as well as for scientists engaged in research in the neurosciences. It provides comprehensive and current coverage of experimental and clinical aspects of neuropsychology. Recent innovations that have radically modified this discipline are included in this volume. Section 16 deals with the complex relationship between motor control and cognition. Section 17 covers emergent techniques in neuropsychology, while Section 18 reflects on some aspects of the continuing problem of consciousness and awareness.


  • Section 16 Action and Cognition, M. Jeannerod: Introduction - the unusual modern history of neuropsychological analyses of action, T. Shallice
  • Functional anatomy of human motor cortical areas, M. Matelli, G. Luppino
  • Frames of reference in sensorimotor coordination, F. Lacquaniti
  • Modelling visuomotor transformations, M.A. Arbib
  • Visual routes to perception and action in the cerebral cortex, M.A. Goodale
  • Recognizing, understanding and reproducing action, D.P. Carey, D.I. Perrett, M.W. Oram
  • Haptic aspects of motor control, S.J. Lederman, R.L. Klatzky
  • Motor processing in Parkinson's disease, J.L. Contreras-Vidal, G.E. Stelmach
  • Neural mechanisms underlying representations for action, M. Jeannerod
  • Recovery of executive functions, R.J. Seitz. Section 17 Emerging Technologies, J. Grafman: Functional magnetic resonance imaging - basic principles and applications in neuropsychology, I. Appollonio, L. Rueckert, A. Partiot, R. Turner, D. le Bihan, P. Jezzard, J. Grafman
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation - a new tool for the study of higher cognitive functions in humans, A. Pascual-Leone, J. Grafman, L.G. Cohen, B.J. Roth, M. Hallett. Section 18 Consciousness, J. Grafman: Psychodynamic explanatory power in the context of neuropsychology, J. Grafman
  • Psychodynamic phenomena involving alterations of consciousness, B. Pendleton Jones. Index. Cumulative index Volumes 1-11. List of Chapters Volumes 1-11.

v. 9 ISBN 9780444899668


This volume includes a large section on frontal lobes. It includes historical developments, anatomy, neuroimaging and neurological, neuropsychological and psychiatric correlates of frontal lobe functions. The second part deals with computational modelling and neuropsychology.


1. The frontal lobes: a historical sketch (A. Benton).2. Comparative architectonic analysis of the human and the macaque frontal cortex (M. Petrides, D.N Pandya). 3. Frontal lobes and working memory: evidence from investigations of the effects of the cortical exisions in nonhuman primates (M. Petrides). 4. The contribution of imaging techniques to current knowledge of the frontal lobes (G.L Lenzi) (Part contents)

v. 8 ISBN 9780444899750


This volume of "The Handbook of Neuropsychology" provides current information on new developments in neuropsychology relating to selected aspects of memory (with emphasis on current work on implicit memory), dementia and perception of time, music and faces. Leading autorities in the field have provided in-depth reviews that go beyond a summary of their own results and points of view. Each chapter covers the latest developments in methodology and theory, discussions of bedside evaluations, laboratory techniques, as well as theoretical models.


Part 1. Memory. 1 When working memory does not work: the role of working memory in neuropsychology (S. Della Sala, R.H. Logie). 2. Implicit memory in normal human subjects (H.L. Roediger, K.B. McDermott). 3. Implicit tests of memory in patients with focal lesions or degenerative brain disorders (M. Moscovitch, E. Vriezen, J. Gottstein). 4. Impairments of autobiographical memory (M.A. Conway). 5. The neuropsychology of semantic memory (P. McKenna, E.K. Warrington). 6. The neuropsychology of remote memory (M.D. Kopelman). 7. Prospective memory: a "new" memory system? (G. Dalla Barba). Part 2. Dementia. 8. Four neuropsychological profiles in dementia (S. Weintraub, M.M. Mesulam). 9. Mechanisms underlying semantic-lexical disorders in Alzheimer's disease (G. Gainotti). 10. The non-Alzheimer degenerative dementias (D. Knopman). 11. Noncognitive behavioural alterations in dementia syndromes (J.R. Absher, J.L. Cummings). Part 3. Perception of Time, Music, and Faces 12. The neuropsychology of human temporal information processing (P. Nichelli). 13. Specificity for music (I. Peretz, J. Morais). 14. Amusia (A. Basso). 15. Failures of face processing in normal and brain-damaged subjects (R. Bruyer).

v. 10 ISBN 9780444899798


Hardbound. Volume 10 of this essential reference source includes two sections. Section 14 covers event related potentials and their relation to cognition. Following a chapter on methodology, the section develops the applications of ERP to the study of attention, language and memory. The section also reviews ERP changes in the developing brain, aging and dementia, head injuries and psychopathology. Section 15 deals with Positron Emission Tomography. Following two introductory chapters on methodology, the section includes chapters on the prefrontal cortex and psychosis, learning, memory and aging. The concluding chapter deals with PET investigations in non-human primates.

v. 1 ISBN 9780444904935


In recent years there has been an enormous increase in interest into disorders of higher cortical functions and into brain-behavior relationships. The Handbook of Neuropsychology has been planned as a reference source that will provide for the first time comprehensive and current coverage of both experimental and clinical aspects of neuropsychology. The chapter authors have produced in-depth reviews that go beyond a summary of their results and points of view. Each chapter is up-to-date, covering the latest developments in methodology and theory. Discussion of bedside evaluations, laboratory techniques, as well as theoretical models are all to be found in the Handbook. In addition, the editors have attempted to make the Handbook as coherent as possible by encouraging minimal overlap in topic matter. The first section introduces historical developments in neuropsychology, approaches to the clinical and experimental assessment of higher cortical functions, as well as statistical and methodological issues. In addition, the introduction covers cerebral dominance, and specialization as well as models of cognition. Section 2 (Topic Editor: Professor G. Rizzolatti) deals with normal and disordered attentional processes in experimental animals and in humans. Section 3 (Topic Editor: Professor H. Goodglass) encompasses language, aphasia, and related disorders; it is shared over Volumes 1 and 2. This section emphasizes both the classical syndromes of aphasic disorders as well as the contribution of modern neurolinguistics. Special issues include bilingual and polyglot aphasia, disorders of sign-language, aphasia in left-handers, as well as recovery and therapy of aphasia. This section concludes with chapters on disorders of gestural behavior and apraxia.


Preface. List of contributors. Acknowledgements. Section 1: Introduction (F. Boller and J. Grafman). 1. Neuropsychology: past, present and future (A.L. Benton). 2. The bedside mental status examination (R.L. Strub and F.W. Black). 3. Neuropsychological tests and assessment technique (M.D. Lezak). 4. Some theoretical and methodological issues in neuropsychological research (J. Sergent). 5. Methodological issues in neuropsychology: classification, and non-equivalent group comparisons (J.M. Fletcher, D.J. Francis and R. Morris). 6. Cerebral dominance - contributions of anatomy (S.F. Witelson and D.L. Kigar). 7. Cerebral specialization: clinical and experimental assessment (M.P. Bryden). Section 2: Attention (G. Rizzolatti). 8. Introduction (G. Rizzolatti). 9. Confusional states and delirium as disorders of attention (B. Seltzer and M.M. Mesulam). 10. Orienting of attention (C.A. Umilta). 11. Hemineglect in humans (E. Bisiach and G. Vallar). 12. Mechanisms and theories of spatial neglect (G. Rizzolatti and V. Gallese). Section 3: Language and Aphasia (H. Goodglass). 13. Historical perspective on concepts of aphasia (H. Goodglass), 14. Classical syndromes of aphasia (D.F. Benson). 15. Auditory comprehension in aphasia (D.L. Bachman and M.L. Albert). 16. Naming and its disorders (H. Kremin). 17. Repetition in aphasia: implications for models of language processing (R. Sloan Berndt). 18. Approaches to speech production deficits in aphasia (S.E. Blumstein). 19. Paraphasia and jargon (R. Ryalls, S. Valdois and A.R. Lecours). 20. Acquired alexia (R.B. Friedman). 21. Agraphia (D. Bub and H. Chertkow). 22. Acalculia (J. Grafman). Index.

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