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v. 11 : 1996 ISBN 9780762300075
This series summarizes current thinking in the field of comparative management. The series is intended to make an academic contribution through focused essays, presenting material in a fashion suitable for both scholars and advanced students.
- Comparing performance management practices in the United States and Pacific Rim, Paul R. Bernthal
- Acquisition and adaptation of Japanese manufacturing strategies in the United States auto firms, Marca Marie Bear, Riad A. Ajami
- An examination of cross-cultural quality management practices in American and Asian firms, Burham F. Yavas, George A. Marcoulides
- Is Tom a global paradigm? S. Benjamin Prasad, David A. Sprague
- Manufacturing strategies of smaller firms in two national settings, Shanthakumar Palaniswani. S. Benjamin Prasad
- Phasing and focusing on research: accelerating along the path of the learning curve, Ada Demb
- The effects of board control and compensation mix on strategic orientation, Harry G. Barkema
- Corporate board orientation: the Swedish context, Karin Jonnergard et al
- Japanese governance systems: a critical review, Hicheon Kim, Robert E. Hoskisson
- International governance research: a review and an agenda for future research, Brain K. Boyd et al
- Effects of ownership types on environment-strategy configuration in China's emerging transitional economy, J. Justin Tan, Mingfang Li
- Corporate social performance: an international perspective, Devi Gnyawali.
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v. 12 : 1998 ISBN 9780762301744
This volume introduces the AICM Distinguished Scholar Award and Research Forum which recognizes individuals who have made outstanding scholarly contributions to the cross-national or cross-cultural study of organizations and management. This volume offers an important article by Professor Harry C. Triandis of the University of Illinois who was the recipient of the 1998 AICM Distinguished Scholar Award, with commentaries by leading researchers in the areas of international organizational behavior and human resource management. Additional articles cover a wide range of management topics with an international focus, including: organizational risk taking, corporate governance, performance appraisal, distributive justice values, strategic human resource management, and expatriate performance. These articles, along with the Research Forum papers, present a rich diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches and represent some of the best thinking in the field.
List of contributors. Reviewer acknowledgment. Notice to authors. Preface (J.L.C. Cheng, R.B. Peterson). Research Forum. Introduction and interview with Harry C. Triandis, recipient of the 1998 AICM Distinguished Scholar Award (J.L.C. Cheng, R.B. Peterson). Vertical and horizontal individualism and collectivism: theory and research implications for international comparative management (H.C. Triandis). Commentary: the theory of vertical and horizontal individualism and collectivism: implications for international human resource management (W.F. Cascio). In cultural context: applying Triandis's Typology to Organizational Face Theory (P.C. Earley). Commentary: implications of vertical and horizontal individualism and collectivism for leadership effectiveness (P.W. Dorfman). Commentary: the cross-cultural design and management of high reliability organizations and systems of organizations: conceptual help from the Triandis Review (K.H. Roberts). Postscript (H.C. Triandis). Articles. Organizational risk-taking behavior in differing institutional environments: a comparison of managers in the United States and the Czech Republic (A.C. Stewart, M.V. Makhija). Research on corporate governance: a comparison of Germany, Japan, and the United States (R. Buhner et al.). The impact of national culture on human resource management practices: the case of performance appraisal (J. Milliman et al.). A comparative study of Chinese and US distributive justice values, goals, and allocative behaviors (D.J. Miller et al.). A partial test of a model of strategic international human resource management (S. Taylor et al.). The expatriate experience: a critical review and synthesis (D.C. Thoma). Erratum.
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v. 13 ISBN 9780762305896
This new volume publishes four selected articles covering an interesting set of topics in international management studies with a comparative focus, including: organizational control in joint ventures; institutional and cultural effects on subsidiary operations; corporate governance practices; and employee's choice of dissatisfaction behavior display. These articles along with the five Research Forum papers, present a rich diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches. They also represent the state-of-the-art and some of the best thinking in the field.
List of contributors. Editorial review board. Reviewer acknowledgment. Notice to authors. Preface (J.L.C. Cheng, R.B. Peterson). Research Forum. Introduction and interview with John Child, recipient of the 2000 AICM-IMD distinguished scholar award (J.L.C. Cheng, R.B. Peterson). Theorizing about organization cross-nationally (J. Child). Commentary: Child's theorizing about organization cross-nationally: valiant, but under-economized (P.J. Buckley). Commentary: reflections on organizing in the twenty-first century (J.R. Kimberly). Commentary: order, integration, and collaboration: progress in comparative management (G. Redding). Commentary: on the integration of comparative and international management (O. Shenkar). A comment on the commentaries (J. Child). Articles. Institutional influences on organizational control: a comparative examination of agency theory in Sino-Japanese and Sino-American joint ventures (J.A. Robins, Zhiang Lin). Managing institutional and cultural contrasts: the case of Sanyo Electric in the United States (R.L.M. Dunbar, S. Kotha). Corporate governance and globalization: is there convergence across countries? (M.F. Guillen). Determining the effects of exit, voice, loyalty, and neglect on changing a dubious decision in Canada and Hong Kong (K. Au, B. Bemmels).
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v. 14 ISBN 9780762308750
In this volume, Bartlett and Ghoshal examine the transnational firm, its development and future. Ending their chapter is a debate about the future of international management research involving several individual scholars including Julian Birkinshaw (London Business School), Yves Doz (INSEAD), and Eleanore Westney (MIT). Three leading scholars in the international management field, Michael Kotabe (Temple University), Alan Rugman (Indiana University) and Srilata Zaheer (University of Minnesota) provide comments on Bartlett and Ghoshal's work and on future international management research. The present volume also presents five other articles that make a contribution to the main theme of the book. Together, they cover a set of topics in international management studies including: process issues and the evolution of collaboration in the management of international strategic alliances (alliances), the antecedents and outcomes from international entry modes (market entry), examination of the localization of HRM practices in American and European multinationals (resources), and the cultural, economic and political effects on national entrepreneurial potential (resources). The work in this volume provides a diversity of theoretical and methodological approaches and represents the thinking in the field on managing transnational firms focused on resources, market entry and alliances.
- Research Forum: The transnational and beyond - reflections and perspectives at the millennium, C.A. Bartlett, S. Ghoshal
- Commentary - the influence of "Managing Across Borders" on the field of international management, A.M. Rugman
- Commentary - to kill two birds with one stone - revisiting the integration-responsiveness framework, M. Kotabe
- Commentary - a big tent on an island - building bridges and community in international management research, S. Zaheer. Articles: Choice of foreign market entry modes - critical review and future directions, D. Datta et al
- Resource deficits and international entry mode - analysis of context-specificity and fungibility of resources, J. Anand
- Process issues in international alliance management - a debate on the evolution of collaboration, A. Arino et al
- National entrepreneurial potential - the role of culture, economic development, and political history, S.L. Mueller et al
- Localization in human resource management - comparing American and European multinational corporations, P. Gunnigle et al.
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v. 4 : 1989 ISBN 9780892329977
Advances in International Management (AIM) is a research annual devoted to advancing the cross-border study of organizations and management practices from a global, regional, or comparative perspective, with emphasis on interdisciplinary inquiry that integrates ideas from multiple academic disciplines.It publishes conceptual and empirical papers that deal with international topics from any area within the management field, including strategy, organization theory and behavior, human resource management, business ethics, entrepreneurship, technology management and others. The organizations studied can be domestic or multinational and the level of analysis can be macro or micro.
To be accepted for publication a paper must make a significant contribution to advancing knowledge about international management through some combination of new theoretical insights, managerial application, methodology or data.
AIM has a particular interest in publishing the following types of manuscripts:
Comprehensive, state-of-the-art literature reviews that integrate diverse research streams and identify promising directions for future investigations
Analytical essays that offer new conceptual models or theoretical perspectives and use these frameworks as a foundation for developing research propositions
Empirical articles that report results from exploratory or hypothesis-testing studies based on quantitative and/or qualitative methodologies
Methodological papers that refine existing methodologies or develop new ones for investigating particular issues or topics central to international management research.
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v. 9 : 1994 ISBN 9781559387231
This series summarizes current thinking in the field of comparative management. The series is intended to make an academic contribution through focused essays, presenting material in a fashion suitable for both scholars and advanced students.
- Part 1: the characteristics and performance of Japanese-North American joint ventures in North America, Andrew Inkpen
- approaching heterachy - a review of the literature on multinational strategy and structure, Julian M. Birkinshaw. Part 2 Expatriates and entrepreneurs: the boundary spanning role of expatriates in the multinational corporation, David C. Thomas
- US expatriates and the Civil Rights Act of 1991 - dissolving boundaries, Sully Taylor and Robert W. Eder
- corporate entrepreneurship - United States firms operating in the Middle East and the Arab World, Carol Carlson Dean and Mary Shephered Thibodeaux
- organizational changes in planned economies in transition - an eclectic model, Mike W. Peng
- learning from the Asian NICS - policy options for Central and East European republics, Raymond Saner and Lichia Yiu.
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v. 10 : 1995 ISBN 9781559389167
This tenth volume in the series discusses a variety of topics in the field of advances in international competitive management. The book examines both studies in the Asian context and studies in the cross-national context.
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