Lydgate's Troy book
edited by Henry Bergen
(Early English Text Society extra series, 97,
Kraus Reprint, 1973
Troy book
Lydgate's Troy book : A.D. 1412-20
pt. 2 & 3E306:1-2:103,1068712102244,
愛媛大学 図書館 図 pt. 1938||E2||97011217539306,
pt. 1828||Ea||97Y8758254,
pt. 1931//LL-52500,
pt. 4830||E2||1261077344
pt. 1830.8||E11||97071187A,
岡山大学 附属図書館 附属図 pt. 1931.2/L012111146269, pt. 1083/E 11/2(97)058211981314461, pt. 1938||E||E97,
pt. 2 & 3N938.4/E11/2-103,106/0002088495
pt. 4N938.4/E11/2-126/0002285843
Pt. 1N938.4/E11/2-97/0002088436
杏林大学 井の頭図書館 井の頭図 pt. 4083:E11:1260016265209
pt. 1830.2/E1100287583,
pt. 1930.23||E11||E-970131446,
pt. 1938||E110050688,
pt. 2 & 3938||E110050658
pt. 1830.208||3-973000961189, pt. 10010065788,
pt. 13号館4:EETS(E):974845064718, pt. 1930.8||Ea||97019102085,
名古屋大学 文学 図書室 文図書 pt. 1930.8||Ea||ES9740572910,
pt. 1083||E11||(E97)9101762,
pt. 1931.4:L-98:11500120938,
pt. 1083||E11||E97002022501,
pt. 1080||F4C64339,
明治大学 図書館 和 pt. 4938||185-126||||W2200509680
pt. 129550288784,
pt. 2 & 3930.8/E11/2-103.106000157348
麗澤大学 図書館 図 Pt. 1930.8/E11/2-97000157365 pt. 1: Reprint of the 1906 ed. published for the Early English Text Society by K. Paul, Trench, Trübner, London, which was issued as no. 97 of the Society's Extra series pt. 2 & 3: Reprint. Originally published: London : Published for the Early English Text Society by Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, and by Henry Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1908-1910 "Reprinted as one volume" -- pt. 2 & 3 pt. 4: Reprint of the 1935 ed. published for the Early English Text Society by H. Milford, Oxford University Press, which was issued as no. 126 of the Society's Extra series pt. 4 Includes index The second printing (1981) of pt. 4 has a discription : "First reprint by Kraus Reprint in 1975. Second reprint 1981" -- T.p. verso
Published for the Early English Text Society, by Trübner , Published for the Early English Text Society by the Oxford University Press
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