Advancing Communcation Science illustrates the inadequacies of evidence on which mass and interpersonal communication comparisons are based and make suggestions for improving comparability.
Ten chapters discuss ways in which interpersonal and electronic mass communication affect each other, regarding emotional communication and need as determinants in media selection. The authors emphasize the need for special communication skills in the interpretation and use of television, and the role of interpersonal communication in shaping the contours of broadcast news output.
The final chapter is a dialogue on the history and evolution of communication leading to a better understanding of where the field is today and to a broader perspective of the future.
Editors' Introduction - Suzanne Pingree, John Wiemann and Robert P Hawkins
Toward Conceptual Synthesis
Comparing Mediated and Interpersonal Communication Data - Steven H Chaffee and Diana C Mutz
Emotional Education and Mass Media - Ross Buck
A New View of the Global Village
Discourse and Message Analysis - John C Heritage, Steven Clayman, and Don H Zimmerman
Interactivity - Sheizaf Rafaeli
From New Media to Communication
Monologue, Dialogue, and Telelog - Sandra J Ball-Rokeach and Kathleen Reardon
Comparing an Emergent Form of Communication with Traditional Forms
From Reactivity to Activity and Action - Jennings Bryant and Richard L Street, Jr
An Evolving Concept and
in Mass and Interpersonal Communication
Cognition and Communication - Robert P Hawkins and John Daly
Developing Communication Skills - Beth Haslett and Alison Alexander
Theories of Family Communication - Jeanne M Meadowcroft and Mary Anne Fitzpatrick
Toward a Merger of Intersubjectivity and Mutual Influence Processes
The Caravan of Communication and Its Multiple Histories - James A Anderson, Douglas Birkhead, David L Eason, and Mary S Strine
A Dialogue
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